David Clark wrote:

My version of Word did not include a pleading wizard. And, I'm just not a programmer and have no desire to learn at this stage of my life. I suppose I could hire someone, and maybe I'll give that some consideration.

Well, I am not a lawyer, but I have provided in the past some instructions that seemed to fit what was required for legal pleading from my limited understanding. I’ve never received any response to my efforts. If the results are not satisfactory, I would not mind knowing what the problem is.

Note that I’ve not looked at this description since I created it and so may not be able to quickly understand any problems you might have with it.

You may need to first go to Tools -> Options.. -> Language Settings ->
Languages and select “Enabled for Asian languages”.

When this is enabled, and you select Format -> Page or select a Page
style to modify, you will see a tab called “Text Grid”. Select it.

Set “Grid” to “Grid lines only”. Set Lines per page to the 56
single-spaced lines that you need for legal pleading plus whatever other lines you need.

Set "Max. base text size" and "Max. Ruby text size" to any values that
total 12 pt. A value of 11.9 pt for “Max. base text size” and .1 pt for
“Max. Ruby text size” is perhaps the cleanest, as it effectively makes
the Ruby spacing invisible which it might as well be as you will not be
using Ruby annotation.

“Print Grid” should not be checked for normal use.

When setting up any paragraph styles for this template, make sure under
the Alignment tab that “Snap to text grid (if active)” is checked.

Now all you have to do in your paragraph settings in the Indents and
Spacing tab is to set line spacing to either “Single” or “Double” and
all text will line up exactly with the grid, either displaying on every
grid line or every second grid line, depending on the line spacing selected.

Your line numbers you type, will of course, will be double-spaced.
Set up columns on your page as required and type them. Save your template.

(You can switch off “Enabled for Asian languages” now if you wish. That
won’t effect a document already created with the text grid feature.)

Jim Allan

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