On 16 Jun 2008 at 16:07, James Knott wrote:
> > To James Knott: I find your attitude towards people who do believe in 
> Forgot in the previous reply.  What gives "religious" people the right 
> to be offensive to others, yet the others are not allowed to challenge 
> them?  If you start promoting religious belief in my presence, you are 
> being offensive to me.

Which leads neatly into an infinitely recursive situation.

Please everyone, can we remember that this is a list for 
OpenOffice.org discussions? While occasional excursions can add 
interest, longer OT discussions are possibly better held elsewhere, 
off this list.

So can we please agree that people's opinions will differ, that while 
we may not approve of others' stances, we may nevertheless respect 
them, and call a truce on this thread?

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