Note: You have hijacked this thread. To start a new subject post a new message rather than replying to a previous message and changing the subject.

John Fistere, 2008/08/02 12:47 AM:
When I am reading a thread in this forum, I sort by Subject: and read all
the new messages in a thread at one time.  I find it time consuming to
scroll to the bottom of each message, past what I just read, to get to the new comment. Wouldn't it make more sense to add the new message at the top,
so you see it immediately?  If you have lost track of a thread, you can
scroll down only as far as necessary to see what the thread is about.

From the Guidelines for posting on this list: <>

   When replying to other people it is customary to intersperse your
   response with their questions, both so you can answer the actual
   question that was asked, and so everyone else has some idea what you
   are talking about. It is also customary to limit your quoting to the
   minimum possible to get your point across. Take the time to be
   considerate, remember those subscribers who have slow, expensive

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