On 02/09/2008 21:33, Jim Allan wrote:
jonathon wrote:
> Every message sent to the list contains unsubscribe headers.  Some
> messages, such as , Message-ID:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> also contain
> unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the email.

This message, as sent to me via gmane.comp.org (I get all email via gmane for this discussion group) contains no unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of the mail as received.

I believe that no emails as received by me contains these instructions, except when they are included as part of the quotation from an earlier email. I am using Mozilla Thunderbird.

The unsubscribe message is included in the header, if I choose to show the complete header, which I normally do not. So I would not see it.

See also http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/BrowseList?listName=users&count=185464 .

Jim Allan

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I look at the above message from Jim Allan using Thunderbird's **mail** reader (to read users@openoffice.org) then the Unsubscribe instructions *do* appear (and are quoted above). If I look at the *same* message using Thunderbird's **news** reader (to read gmane.comp.openoffice.questions) then they do *not* appear.

On the other hand, using the *mail* reader to read Dotan Cohen's message requesting that the User Guide for OOo 1.1 be moved, the instructions do *not* appear.

So it's not *only* a question of how the messages are *read*. I'm confused.

A small sample shows that using the *news* reader none of the messages has the instructions but using the *mail* reader some do and some don't. I'm still confused. I can only speculate that the *sending* process/mechanism has some influence but ...

Which bit of software, running where, adds the instructions? The answer to that may, I think, provide major clues as to what is happening here. I have a half formed theory that stuff sent via a *news* program won't acquire the instructions however that stuff is read whereas stuff sent by a *mail* program will show the instructions when read as mail but not when read as news ( leaving aside unsubscribed users who will never see the instructions). But, as many of you know, I have been wrong before ...

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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