On Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 11:45:50PM -0700, you (Live Great) wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> I don't wanna mess up the package in freebsd.
> Actually when I added the colnum uuid, my xlite program is able to register
> with the default admin user in the 'subscriber' table.
> I also used openserctl created my account name with password, but in the
> subscriber table, I found the phone number field is empty.
> Do you know how to create a phone number for a newly created user account?
> eg. openserctl sam passwd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> create my openser account, but how to add a phone number to my account?
> Thanks
> SW


you can add user by using openserctl add username userpassword useremail
this works perfectly on my linux box.....


> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Norman Brandinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Live Great <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 1:42:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] how to register xlite user for testing with
> openser
> It's possible that openserdbctl is only available on the development
> versions.  I've found that the current development version is very
> stable and you might want to give it a try.
> If you are going to stay with 1.2.2, then you might want to try dropping
> the openser database, then recreate it and keep a close eye out for any
> errors.  After the database has been rebuilt, check the subscriber
> table.  I believe it used to have a uuid column (the current development
> version does not have a uuid column).
> The ha1 field is the encrypted password and is probably used in your
> config during the registration of your xlite phones.  Without a
> successful registration, it's unlikely you will be able to complete any
> calls.
> A quick look at the database structures from the online doc at:
> http://openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php shows that the subscriber table had
> a uuid column in 1.0.x, but in 1.2.x that column is gone.  Is it
> possible that the openser database was created with version 1.2.x but
> you are running openser 1.0.x ?
> Regards,
> Norm
> Live Great wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The openser version in freebsd is the latest one I got:
> >  # openser -V
> > version: openser 1.2.2-notls (i386/freebsd)
> >
> > Is this the correct version for getting openserdbctl ?
> >
> > Thanks
> > SW
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Norman Brandinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Live Great <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:53:53 PM
> > Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] how to register xlite user for testing
> > with openser
> >
> > I believe the openser_mysql.sh script is being phased out.  It has been
> > replaced by openserdbctl (thanks to a big effort from Henning !!!).  If
> > your installation doesn't have /usr/local/sbin/openserdbctl I strongly
> > suggest that you upgrade to a version of OpenSER that contains it..
> >
> > The rest of your settings appear to to be ok.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Norm
> >
> > Live Great wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > From: Norman Brandinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: Live Great <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Cc: users@openser.org
> > > Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:43:54 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] how to register xlite user for testing
> > > with openser
> > >
> > > Is is possible that you turned on database support but forgot to make
> > > the database tables ?  The error message you posted is pretty explicit:
> > > "Unknown column"....
> > > I used openser_mysql.sh create to populate openser database and its
> > > tables.
> > > Here is all its tables:
> > > mysql> show tables;
> > > +-----------------------+
> > > | Tables_in_openser     |
> > > +-----------------------+
> > > | acc                   |
> > > | active_sessions       |
> > > | active_watchers       |
> > > | address               |
> > > | admin_privileges      |
> > > | aliases               |
> > > | cpl                   |
> > > | dbaliases             |
> > > | domain                |
> > > | domainpolicy          |
> > > | grp                   |
> > > | gw                    |
> > > | gw_grp                |
> > > | imc_members           |
> > > | imc_rooms             |
> > > | lcr                   |
> > > | location              |
> > > | missed_calls          |
> > > | pdt                   |
> > > | pending               |
> > > | phonebook             |
> > > | presentity            |
> > > | pua                   |
> > > | re_grp                |
> > > | server_monitoring     |
> > > | server_monitoring_agg |
> > > | silo                  |
> > > | sip_trace             |
> > > | speed_dial            |
> > > | subscriber            |
> > > | trusted               |
> > > | uri                   |
> > > | usr_preferences       |
> > > | usr_preferences_types |
> > > | version               |
> > > | watchers              |
> > > | xcap_xml              |
> > > +-----------------------+
> > > 37 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The warnings about missing permissions files can be ignored (unless you
> > > really do need them), but in your case, it seems that you are not at
> > > that point yet.
> > >
> > > Take a look at openserdbctl as it automates the process of creating the
> > > database and tables needed by the various openser modules.  openserctlrc
> > > (usually located in /usr/local/etc/openser) contains a number of startup
> > > settings, some of which are database related.
> > >
> > > The standard request you will receive from people trying to assist you
> > > is to post your config file (or at least the interesting sections of
> > it).
> > >
> > > The part of the content of openser.cfg is:
> > > listen = udp:
> > > listen = udp:
> > > mpath = "/usr/local/lib/openser/modules"
> > > children = 8
> > > debug = 3
> > > fork = yes
> > > group = "openser"
> > > user = "openser"
> > > disable_tcp = no
> > > log_facility = LOG_DAEMON
> > > #log_facility = LOG_LOCAL7
> > > log_stderror = no
> > > tcp_children = 4
> > > mhomed = no
> > > server_signature = yes
> > > sock_group = "openser"
> > > sock_mode = 0600
> > > sock_user = "openser"
> > > unix_sock = "/tmp/openser.sock"
> > > unix_sock_children = 1
> > > reply_to_via = no
> > > sip_warning = no
> > > check_via = no
> > > dns = no
> > > rev_dns = no
> > > disable_core_dump = no
> > > dns_try_ipv6 = yes
> > > dns_use_search_list = yes
> > >
> > > openserctlrc:
> > > ## your SIP domain
> > >  SIP_DOMAIN=ip6.com.au
> > >
> > > ## database type: MYSQL or PGSQL, by defaulte none is loaded
> > >
> > > ## database host
> > >  DBHOST=localhost
> > >
> > > ## database name
> > >  DBNAME=openser
> > >
> > > ## database read/write user
> > >  DBRWUSER=openser
> > > # DBRWUSER=admin
> > >
> > > ## database read only user
> > >  DBROUSER=openserro
> > >
> > > ## password for database read only user
> > >  DBROPW=openserro
> > >
> > > ## database super user
> > >  DBROOTUSER="root"
> > >
> > >  HAS_SERWEB="yes"
> > >
> > > I am not too sure the correct way to define openserctlrc file.
> > > Your comment is much appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > SW
> > >
> > > Norm
> > >
> > > Live Great wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > After changed the port 5077 to 5060 in openser.cfg file, restarted
> > > > openser.
> > > > When xlite initiate a registartion request, openser system log file
> > > > shown a different message:
> > > > Sep 22 16:18:55 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49941]: Default allow
> > > > file (/usr/local/etc/openser/permissions.allow) not found => empty
> > > > rule set
> > > > Sep 22 16:18:55 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49941]: WARNING: File not
> > > > found: /usr/local/etc/openser/permissions.deny
> > > > Sep 22 16:18:55 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49941]: Default deny file
> > > > (/usr/local/etc/openser/permissions.deny) not found => empty rule set
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:01 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49953]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:01 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49953]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:01 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49953]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:04 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:04 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:04 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:06 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:06 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:06 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:08 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:09 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:09 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:09 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:11 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:11 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:11 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:13 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49959]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:13 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49959]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:13 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49959]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:14 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:14 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:14 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:16 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49955]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:21 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:21 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:21 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49957]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:22 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:22 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:22 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49952]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:29 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:29 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:29 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49954]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:42 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:42 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:42 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49956]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:46 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49958]: submit_query:
> > > > Unknown column 'uuid' in 'field list'
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:46 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49958]: db_query: Error
> > > > while submitting query
> > > > Sep 22 16:19:46 core /usr/local/sbin/openser[49958]: get_ha1(): Error
> > > > while querying database
> > > >
> > > > In Xlite, it said Registration error 500, server internal error.
> > > > What is possibility wrong in my openser server configuration?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > > SW
> > > >
> > > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > > From: Live Great <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > To: users@openser.org
> > > > Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 2:03:07 PM
> > > > Subject: [OpenSER-Users] how to register xlite user for testing with
> > > > openser
> > > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > I used the following command to add xlite user, but xlite failed to
> > > > register the user in openser server.
> > > > # openserctl add 1234 1234 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
> > > > where 1234 is user id and password.
> > > >
> > > > If this is not the correct way to add user for testing from xlite to
> > > > openser, what are the alternative way I can use?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > > SW
> > > >
> > > >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Users mailing list
> > > > Users@openser.org
> > > > http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> > > >  
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> Users@openser.org
> http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users

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\ think of the daughter.               /
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