Hi everybody,

I have a question regarding carrierroute: In table "route_tree" i would
have the following:
| id | carrier  |
|  1 | carrier1 |
|  2 | carrier2 |

In the table "carrierroute" i have the following:
| id | carrier | scan_prefix | level | prob | strip | rewrite_host  |
|  1 |       1 | 49          | 0     |  0.5 | 0     | gateway1_1    |
|  2 |       1 | 49          | 0     |  0.5 | 0     | gateway1_2    |
|  3 |       1 | 49          | 1     |    1 | 0     | gateway1_3    |
|  4 |       1 | 49          | 2     |    1 | 0     | gateway1_4    |
|  5 |       2 | 49          | 0     |    1 | 0     | gateway2_1    |
|  6 |       2 | 49          | 1     |    1 | 0     | gateway2_2    |

in the routing logic i would do the following:

route {
        # Calls to PSTN based on RURI
        if(!cr_rewrite_uri("carrier1", "call_id")){
                sl_send_reply("403", "Not allowed");
        } else {
                # In case of failure, re-route the request
                # Relay the request to the gateway

failure_route(1) {
        # In case of failure, send it to an alternative route:
        if (t_check_status("408|5[0-9][0-9]")) {
                if(!cr_rewrite_uri("carrier1", "call_id")){
                        t_reply("403", "Not allowed");
                } else {

1) Is this configuration right?
2) Would the call, in this case, go to either gateway1_1 or gateway1_2, in case 
of failure to gateway1_3?
3) In case all three fail, it would go to gateway1_4? (original route would be 
level 1, 1st failure-route would be level 2, 2nd failure-route would be level 3 
and so on?)
4) Calls to other destinations as to destinations starting with "49" in the URI 
would be rejected, right?
5) Does it cause problems, when "prob" does not result in 1? E.g. does a prob 
of 1 and 1 result into the same as 0.5 and 0.5?

Thank you in advance,


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