El Tuesday 09 October 2007 16:28:53 Juha Heinanen escribió:
> Iñaki Baz Castillo writes:
>  > But how to know that? how to know if it wants or not
>  > "pua_set_publish"? there
>  > is no info in REGISTER message about that (except the "User-Agent" that
>  > involves a query and a painful maintenance).
> the owner of the phone will decide if he/she wants to publish phone's
> presence info as side effect of registration.  then you enter that info
> into your radius reply table.

Humm, it seems too manually mehtod, and what about if the user want to use two 
devices or more with same account?
I think it would be faster and more realiable to mantain a table 
with "User-Agents" supporting presence.


Iñaki Baz Castillo

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