* Darryl Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> One other thing, which isn't really a major issue, just an annoyance, 
> is that if I run netstat or ps on the host it shows me all of the sockets
> open and programs running, even those inside the guests, whereas under
> linux-vserver the host machine is a context in it's own right, so they
> are hidden.

I personally prefer that way, so I can easily see what's going
on in the VPS. But there should be some additional info from 
which VPS the stuff is coming from. Maybe the VPS' process names 
could contain some prefix ie. "[${VPSID}]".
> My only issue with linux-vserver is the lack of network interface
> virtualisation, but I've been working around that for so long it's 
> not really that much of an issue for me.

That could be an killer requirement for the virtualization.

I do not yet completely know what my current customer really needs
here. But I can imagine they want to isolate routing stuff.

For my own projects, I'll need an completely virtualized routing,
so I can easily use VPS'es as VPN hub, just as they were dedicated

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service - http://www.metux.de/
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