Josip Rodin wrote:
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 04:22:01PM -0600, Gregor Mosheh wrote:
My question is why you'd want to use both. What particular need or deployment scenario would require Xen and OpenVZ together?

Well, that's... a bit unimaginative :|

I'm trying to get an idea of what creative needs and solutions are being handled with nested virtualization, not trawling for insults. But thanks anyway. :)

Here's a quick example: you have one
big machine but more than one group of users

Interesting. So you hand out a Xen instance, expecting the owner of the DomU to create OpenVZ instances within it? That's kinda clever, I guess, if there's some practical use for it.

I'm dying to know the real-life scenario underlying this, why you don't hand someone either a Xen or a OpenVZ, but a Xen so they can create their own OpenVZs. Do you have multiple IT departments, for example, working on different products, and you want them to self-administer the creation of VEs? Do you have some 128-CPU cluster running Xen and you sell Xen Doms so they can resell OpenVZ VEs?

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth, BS, A+
System Administrator
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