Kir Kolyshkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Xen compilation was broken in the last kernel, so it went out without
>-xen-. It is now fixed and xen kernels will be available with the next
>kernel release. If you want it earlier (for whatever reason), we can
>provide an unofficial build.

Maybe I understand you wrong, but if the problem is fixed (with
specifically 2.6.18-92.1.1.EL5 + OpenVZ) then couldn't this be made an
offical build?

I was just about to install a Xen enabled kernel on a recently
installed machine and it would be nice to have the most kernel based
on the most recent RHEL kernel. Otherwise, for me it would mean
installing an old one or waiting for the next one. Compiling my own is
not an option for now.

Thanks for your time!


Henrik Holmboe, Stockholm, Sweden
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