2009. 01. 21, szerda keltezéssel 21.35-kor Pongracz Istvan ezt írta:

> I am installing a native debian lenny at this moment to check the
> "normal" situation. I spoke with the debian maintener, who told me,
> sshproxy should work without any problem. So, at least in openvz
> container it is not working.....

Yes, inside a normal debian installation (under virtualbox in my laptop)
it is working well.

Under openvz it is not working.

Could someone help in this kind of situation, what to check or modify?
Anyway, I use ProxmoxVE and its previous kernel (2.6.24-1-pve).

Thank you in advance,

Here is the relevant syslog from the VE:

Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin ini_db
Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin sipc
Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin get_client_scripts
Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Initialized plugin ini_db
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin ini_db
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin sipc
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin get_client_scripts
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Listening for connection ...
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4130] sshproxy starting
Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4130] Initialized plugin ini_db
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4130] Got a connection!
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Serving ('', 36267)
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] IPC: Connecting to server
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4130] IPC: Accepting new client 
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] starting thread (server mode):
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Connected (version 2.0, client
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] kex
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1',
'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss'] client
encrypt:['aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'cast128-cbc',
'arcfour128', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc',
'rijndael-...@lysator.liu.se', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr']
server encrypt:['aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'cast128-cbc',
'arcfour128', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc',
'rijndael-...@lysator.liu.se', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr']
client mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1', 'umac...@openssh.com',
'hmac-ripemd160', 'hmac-ripemd...@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha1-96',
'hmac-md5-96'] server mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1',
'umac...@openssh.com', 'hmac-ripemd160', 'hmac-ripemd...@openssh.com',
'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] client compress:['none',
'z...@openssh.com', 'zlib'] server compress:['none', 'z...@openssh.com',
'zlib'] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Ciphers agreed: local=aes128-cbc,
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] using kex
diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1; server key type ssh-dss; cipher:
local aes128-cbc, remote aes128-cbc; mac: local hmac-md5, remote
hmac-md5; compression: local none, remote none
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Picking p (1024 <= 1024 <= 8192
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Switch to new keys ...
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth request (type=none)
service=ssh-connection, username=pongraczi
Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth rejected (none).
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth request (type=password)
service=ssh-connection, username=pongraczi
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4130] ACL authenticate True
'client.username == "adminuser"'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth granted (password).
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] check_channel_request session 1
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] [chan 1] Max packet in: 34816
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] [chan 1] Max packet out: 16384
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Secsh channel 1 (session) opened.
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] check_channel_shell_request
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Authenticated pongraczi
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4130] ACL console_session True
'client.username == "adminuser"'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4148] IPC: Connecting to server
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] IPC: Accepting new client 
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL admin True 'client.username
== "adminuser"'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4148] [chan 1] EOF sent (1)
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] Disconnect (code 2): Bad packet
length 728878303 
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] An error occured: 
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] Traceback (most recent call
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/server.py", line 451, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self.do_work()
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/server.py", line 615, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     return
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/server.py", line 479, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     return
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/dispatcher.py", line 201, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self._console.loop()
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/ptywrap.py", line 78, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     chan.send(data)
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/channel.py", line 702, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/transport.py", line 1405, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/transport.py", line 1388, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/packet.py", line 310, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self.write_all(out)
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
"/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/packet.py", line 260, in
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     raise EOFError()
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] EOFError
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] Dropping user packet because
connection is dead.
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] System exit
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] sshproxy ending
Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4130] A child process has been killed
and cleaned.

BSA. Mert megérdemlitek.
Open Source. Mert megérdemlem.
BSA. They value it.
Open Source. The value. It.

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