
----- "Pongracz Istvan" <> wrote:

> 2009. 01. 21, szerda keltezéssel 21.35-kor Pongracz Istvan ezt írta:
> > I am installing a native debian lenny at this moment to check the
> > "normal" situation. I spoke with the debian maintener, who told me,
> > sshproxy should work without any problem. So, at least in openvz
> > container it is not working.....
> Yes, inside a normal debian installation (under virtualbox in my
> laptop)
> it is working well.
> Under openvz it is not working.
> Could someone help in this kind of situation, what to check or
> modify?
> Anyway, I use ProxmoxVE and its previous kernel (2.6.24-1-pve).
> Thank you in advance,
> István
> Here is the relevant syslog from the VE:
> Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin ini_db
> Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin sipc
> Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Loaded plugin
> get_client_scripts
> Jan 21 22:04:00 testve sshproxyd[4120] Initialized plugin ini_db
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin ini_db
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin sipc
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Loaded plugin
> get_client_scripts
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4127] Listening for connection ...
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4130] sshproxy starting
> Jan 21 22:04:23 testve sshproxyd[4130] Initialized plugin ini_db
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4130] Got a connection!
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Serving ('', 36267)
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] IPC: Connecting to server
> #000sshproxy-control#000<FF>
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4130] IPC: Accepting new client 
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] starting thread (server mode):
> 0x83608ecL
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Connected (version 2.0, client
> OpenSSH_5.1p1)
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] kex
> algos:['diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256',
> 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1',
> 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss']
> client
> encrypt:['aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'cast128-cbc',
> 'arcfour128', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc',
> '', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr',
> 'aes256-ctr']
> server encrypt:['aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc',
> 'cast128-cbc',
> 'arcfour128', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc',
> '', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr',
> 'aes256-ctr']
> client mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1', '',
> 'hmac-ripemd160', '', 'hmac-sha1-96',
> 'hmac-md5-96'] server mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1',
> '', 'hmac-ripemd160',
> '',
> 'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] client compress:['none',
> '', 'zlib'] server compress:['none',
> '',
> 'zlib'] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Ciphers agreed:
> local=aes128-cbc,
> remote=aes128-cbc
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] using kex
> diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1; server key type ssh-dss; cipher:
> local aes128-cbc, remote aes128-cbc; mac: local hmac-md5, remote
> hmac-md5; compression: local none, remote none
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Picking p (1024 <= 1024 <=
> 8192
> bits)
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Switch to new keys ...
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth request (type=none)
> service=ssh-connection, username=pongraczi
> Jan 21 22:04:30 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth rejected (none).
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth request (type=password)
> service=ssh-connection, username=pongraczi
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4130] ACL authenticate True
> 'client.username == "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Auth granted (password).
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] check_channel_request session
> 1
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] [chan 1] Max packet in: 34816
> bytes
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] [chan 1] Max packet out: 16384
> bytes
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Secsh channel 1 (session)
> opened.
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] check_channel_shell_request
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] Authenticated pongraczi
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4130] ACL console_session True
> 'client.username == "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4148] IPC: Connecting to server
> #000sshproxy-control-4132#000<FF>
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] IPC: Accepting new client 
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL admin True
> 'client.username
> == "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'client.username ==
> "adminuser"'
> Jan 21 22:04:33 testve sshproxyd[4132] ACL: True 'admin'
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4148] [chan 1] EOF sent (1)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] Disconnect (code 2): Bad
> packet
> length 728878303 
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] An error occured: 
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] Traceback (most recent
> call
> last):
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/", line 451, in
> start
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self.do_work()
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/", line 615, in
> do_work
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     return
> self.do_console()
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/", line 479, in
> do_console
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     return
> self.dispatcher.console()
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/", line 201,
> in
> console
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self._console.loop()
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/sshproxy/", line 78, in
> loop
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     chan.send(data)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/", line 702, in
> send
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
> self.transport._send_user_message(m)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/", line 1405,
> in
> _send_user_message
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
> self._send_message(data)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/", line 1388,
> in
> _send_message
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]
> self.packetizer.send_message(data)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/", line 310, in
> send_message
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     self.write_all(out)
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/", line 260, in
> write_all
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc]     raise EOFError()
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] [exc] EOFError
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] Dropping user packet because
> connection is dead.
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] System exit
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4132] sshproxy ending
> Jan 21 22:04:43 testve sshproxyd[4130] A child process has been
> killed
> and cleaned.
> -- 
> BSA. Mert megérdemlitek.
> Open Source. Mert megérdemlem.
> --
> BSA. They value it.
> Open Source. The value. It.
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list

My first question would be... are their any container UBC errors?

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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