I emailed on the topic before, and have never found a solution -- nor indeed, more than one other corroboration of the problem's existence. But now, I have freed up a while server with OpenVZ where we can experiment with it at will.

The problem: Shutting down a VPS gives me a timeout after several minutes. Although all processes in the container are dead, the container itself will not finish shutting down. The veth device never goes down, the container cannot be restarted, the phantom VPS will hang around until I power-cycle the server. This interrupts shutdowns too: init 0 and reboot never, ever work; they do nothing, they don't turn anything off; and I have to pull the plug.

Worse, this happens reliably -- I don't dare shut down a VPS unless it's a migration, and I can manually complete the migration and startup, then power-cycle the origin HN.

BUT... Now we have a machine and some IPs with OpenVZ, and my current project is to figure this thing out so we can reboot with confidence. Where do we start and who's with me? :)

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
Network+   Server+   A+   Security+

"No one cares if you can back up — only if you can recover."

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