have you searched for a bug report or checked the forums? Has this issue been reported?

I'll take the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" clause for my previous experience with forums. Maybe the OpenVZ forum is unlike any other, but honestly the thought of posting to a forum didn't occur to me with any degree of seriousness. I did post to this list several months ago, and got no replies.

But, I am surprised that the bug I filed last year is not visible. Boy do I feel like a luser; I bet I closed the wrong tab or something and never finished filing it -- no wonder nobody replied. Per Thorsten's request I will indeed file the bug report; maybe the kernel folks can verify that it's been solved or maybe something really weird is going on.

Red Hat updates their 2.6.18 kernel [...]
> in the process they backport a lot of drivers
> [...] current OpenVZ RHEL5-based kernel to see if it
> is compatible with your hardware?

According to the kernel config file inside the RPM, RHEL5-2.6.18 now has the 3W-9000 driver. Good to know; that may indeed be a realistic option and an easy fix.

So, can you please clarify: The RHEL5 kernel is usable and "recommended" if I'm NOT running RHEL5?

You said you are using Fedora 9 and that was EOLed a while ago.

Yeah, and it was the latest thing 14 months ago when we deployed this thing. I can't say I'm completely pleased with that fast a retirement cycle. You say that CentOS is a fine base OS? I have worked with it in a few occasions, and find it similar enough to Fedora that I like it.

Changing out base OSs isn't something I'd do lightly, but is something I would consider as a longer-term plan if it improved long-term support or fixed this bug we're having. Beyond this one bug, things are going great.

You mentioned you are using veth devices

Correct. In my initial setup of the pilot systems veth was the only thing that worked, so we went with it. Why do you ask, and what do you mean about it being a security issue? (I did ask about ARP and IP spoofing on the list some months back, and that one also got no replies.)

What distro or distros are you running in your containers?

This seems to happen equally with both of our offerings currently deployed: Ubuntu 8.04 and HostGIS Linux 4.2 (for your purposes, think Slamd64 12).

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
Network+   Server+   A+   Security+

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