Hello, I have a leased openvz vps that I want to run a few light qemu guests
inside. I have two venet devices and want to bridge venet0:1 with a tap
device for a qemu guest. The provider has enabled tap/tun but I am having
troubles with virtual networking.

I went to edit /etc/networking/interfaces and notices the warning that the
file was auto-generated and would be again on reboot (this of course makes
sense given the host controls networking), but the provider said to go ahead
and make my changes  in the file.

This didnt work. Next I copied the settings from interfaces to a new file,
interfaces.template, but with some comments to see if my comments were
included in the auto generated interfaces file... now networking is broken.

Enough experimenting. Dozens of support emails with the provider isnt
getting anywhere. What options does a container owner have?

thanks, tom
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