Hi Scott,

> CentOS 5 is actually old.  It originally came out about 4 years ago (RHEL
> anyway)... and for a Linux distro, that is ancient... but of course they
> have updated it about every 6 months so we have 5.6 now.  RHEL 5.7 beta
> was released a while ago so I'd expect to see RHEL 5.7 in a couple of
> weeks... with the clones to follow after as soon as they can.

Yeah and CentOS6 is pretty near, although the release date has been slipping 
for a couple of weeks now. But it could be out "real soon (TM)" now.

It's a bit OT, but has someone here managed to build a working template for 
RHEL6 (beta or not) to run on a CentOS5 master node?

I tried it in preparation for CentOS6 (needed a devel VPS for a future CentOS6 
based app) and ended up banging my head against the proverbial brick wall. 
Looks like INIT on RHEL6 is a bit more dependant on the kernel than it used to 
be and I can't get the RHEL6 VPS to fire up any services with the CentOS5 
based OpenVZ kernel.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
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