Michael Stauber,

----- Original Message -----
> bit OT, but has someone here managed to build a working template for
> RHEL6 (beta or not) to run on a CentOS5 master node?

Yes... well... sorta.

We had one person contribute an OS Template for Scientific Linux 6 that he made 
by migrating a physical machine to container.

Kir released a beta for Scientific Linux 6 some time ago... as well as an 
updated beta.

I took the Scientific Linux 6 beta OS Template that Kir released and then 
updated it, made a few changes (removed samba packages, added nano, mc, links, 
screen... and tweeked apache config some) and added it to contrib.

If you aren't familiar with Scientific Linux, it is a long time RHEL clone that 
seems to be getting more attention with the delay of CentOS 6.  For more info, 
here are two good reference:

Interview: Troy Dawson from Scientific Linux

Send in the clone: Scientific Linux 6.1 approaches

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
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