Den 2015-05-09 23:52, Scott Dowdle skrev:

----- Original Message -----
Are there plans to support OpenVZ using Debian 8 "Jessie" as a HN?

Let's see... RHEL/CentOS 7 has been out close to a year and there
aren't any packages for it yet... and here you go wanting Debian 8
packages within weeks of its release.  Of call the gall.  Just
kidding. :)

Yeah, I'd expect that when the EL7-based kernel is done, it can
probably be made to work on Debian 8.  How's that for an answer?

Hey, at least they released the work-in-progress source for their EL7
3.10.x-based OpenVZ branch.  For more info see:

I didn't expect anything really, and your answer clarifies a lot. Thank you for the update! So to rephrase the question then:

How are the plans for a release of kernel packages to RHEL7?

Johan Wilfer
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