ok, OVZ-6680 created.

04.02.2016 13:16, Konstantin Khorenko пишет:
Hi Nick,

i haven't found a jira issue from you, have you filed it?

On 01/29/2016 05:04 AM, Nick Knutov wrote:
Yes, the question is about ploop of course.

How to get metadata of ploop image? `man what`?

If you are ok with a Container downtime, it's easy:

# e2image -r /dev/ploopXXXXXp1 - | bzip2 >/vz/image.e2i.bz2

There is an option to make this while CT is online, if you file a jira issue, i'll post details _there_.


28.01.2016 19:04, Konstantin Khorenko пишет:
Hi Nick,

i believe it's not the question about vzpbackup, but about
ploop compact which in your case works not that efficient.

Yes, we do work on improving ploop compact and would appreciate in case
you can provide us metadata of that "bad" ploop image.

Please, file an issue at bugs.openvz.org, i'll post instructions there.
(No real user data is needed, only fs metadata, which blocks are
filled which are not, etc)

Thank you.

Best regards,

Konstantin Khorenko,
Virtuozzo Linux Kernel Team

On 01/28/2016 02:42 PM, Nick Knutov wrote:

One of big reasons to prefer simfs over ploop is disk space overhead in
ploop after using snapshots (for backups for example).
It can be really huge - we have one CT which takes 120Gb instead of 60Gb
(df -h inside) after daily backups with vzpbackup (*) tool. It's
after(!) ploop merge & compact.

Do you plan to make some improvements for this case?

(*) https://github.com/andreasfaerber/vzpbackup

28.01.2016 14:27, Konstantin Khorenko пишет:
Hi All,

so, this is the current situation with simfs:

First of all we cannot implement as it was previously (in OpenVZ 6,
2.6.32-x kernels).
This is because there is no vzfs in Virtuozzo 7, but all quota related
code used by simfs
was shared between vzfs and simfs, and maintaining that code for simfs
only is definitely
not the thing we'd be happy to do.
Yes, we definitely want to reuse some mainstream (or write a
mainstream-able) code for it.

So, how this could be implemented?

"Old" simfs fs without quota - is just a bindmount => this is a start
1st level quota for simfs-based Containers (the quota for the
Container as a whole) can be
implemented using project quota which is going to be accepted to
mainstream sooner or later.

As for the 2nd level quota (per-user quota inside a CT), we had not
found any good solution
during our internal discussions, so ideas from community are very

So what do we have at the moment: you can create a simfs-based
Container in Virtuozzo 7
(see instructions below), but cannot manage quota for it.

What should be done further (that's what you can help us with):

1. Take project quota kernel patches (which Stas Kinsbursky alredy
ported to vz7 kernel
some time ago), apply them to current vz7 kernel - you'll get the
kernel able to manage
project quota.

2. Need to add project quota support to appropriate userspace tools:
quota-tools and e2fsprogs
see details at https://bugs.openvz.org/browse/OVZ-6619

Hope that helps to understand our plans on simfs in Virtuozzo 7
and looking forward for a hero who could drive this forward! :)

More formal feature description is below:


1. Feature
simfs filesystem for Virtuozzo 7 Containers

2. Description

Differences between recommended Containers disk backend (ploop) and

Unlike previous versions of OpenVZ, simfs layout in Virtuozzo 7 is
based on bindmounts.
This means once you start a simfs-based Container, effectively
"private" area of a Container is bindmounted to the "root" Container
That's it.

How to create a simfs-based Container:
* set VEFSTYPE=simfs in the /etc/vz/vz.conf
# vzctl create $VEID

3. Products
Virtuozzo 7, libvzctl-7.0.170

4. Testing
just a validation:
- create a Container
- start/stop the Container
- destroy the Container

5. Known issues
* quota for simfs-based Containers is not implemented
    - 1st level quota (for the Container as a whole) is planned to be
implemented via project quota

- 2nd level quota (per-user quota inside a Container) is not planned

* online migration of a simfs-based Container is not implemented

6. Feature owner
Kernel part:    Stanislav Kinsbursky <skinsbur...@virtuozzo.com>
Userspace part: Igor Sukhih <i...@virtuozzo.com>

Best regards,

Konstantin Khorenko,
Virtuozzo Linux Kernel Team
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Best Regards,
Nick Knutov
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