Dear All,

we need to prepare a new setup composed of a few nodes (probably 5) for August 
this year.

If I interpreted the wii page correctly, the next VZ7 release will be a stable 
one.  As you can imagine, we're very tempted to wait for it instead of 
deploying on OpenVZ and then migrating everything some months later.

The only problem is... we have no idea at all about the actual planned release 

Can anyone shed some light on this?  Even knowing the quarter (say, Q3 vs Q4) 
would be of great help to us.

(Disclaimer:  I realise there are many factors involved, that stability comes 
at a price of a long(er) development time and I'm not asking for any commitment 
to an actual date.  Just a few hints on 'how close we are' would be more than 
enough :-)

Thanks a lot,
Corrado Fiore
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