I'm not much proficient in english, but I understand that Scott points
to OpenVZ/Virtuozzo own distribution as the most reasonable way for
releases of the major version 7.

This means the following scenario: KVM, LXC, UML, Xen, etc with no
specific GNU/Linux distribution (packaged for everyone), but to exist
separate OpenVZ GNU/Linux and Virtuozo GNU/Linux distributions focused
on specific containerization (Proxmox style).

As Linux is not a complete operating system, OpenVZ is not a complete
oiperating system too. The GNU/Linux distribution is what completes the
operating system, with packages about firewall, mail transport, etc.

An OpenVZ GNU/Linux means maintaining everything for a distribution, and
people who prefers Debian stable-style packages will not find same
consistency level in another distribution not focused in this chapter
for environment software.

El 04/06/16 a les 00:25, Scott Dowdle ha escrit:
> Greetings,
> The sub-subject of this should be: OpenVZ/Virtozzo 7 packages distro packages?
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Is it possible to build kernel packages/userspace utilities for
>> debian jessie as well ?
>> Right now there is only kernel/userspaces utilities for debian wheezy
>> and userspace only for debian jessie.
> Before I start my semi-rant, I want to make it clear that I'm just a user and 
> I have no idea what Virtuozzo's plans are.  Clear?  Ok.  Now to start.
> Will there be packages OpenVZ/Virtozzo 7 packages for other distros?  I don't 
> think it is a good idea.  As you know, V7 is its own distro... rebuilt from 
> EL7 (CentOS).  It supports both containers and KVM virtual machines... and 
> offers its own library based tools as well as integrates with libvirt (and 
> the goal is to upstream the libvirt stuff although I don't know the status of 
> that).  There are a lot more userland tools than the small handful of things 
> used in OpenVZ Legacy.  I believe there are also some lower level distro 
> packages that have been modified to meet the needs of V7.
> The host node is for running VMs and containers... not other services... not 
> user accounts... just for virtualization.  The strength of say Debian... is 
> that it is built for a wide range of arches and has a very, very big package 
> collection.  None of that is needed for a V7 virtualization host.  Debian is 
> a "universal OS" aka general purpose.  What Virtozzo is offering is a distro 
> built just for the purpose.
> The work involved in building all of the V7 packages for other distros would 
> be significant.  Then what about the (probably very small number of) distro 
> packages that V7 would want/need to replace?  What about testing it?  Both 
> KVM VMs and containers?  How big is that test matrix going to be?  Your 
> distro already has libvirt and KVM packages but you aren't going to try and 
> use those are you?  You want the ones tested with V7.
> Red Hat bought Qumranet... and is the main driving force behind KVM, libvirt, 
> a significant chunk of every mainline Linux kernel's development (#1 
> identifiable company on most all kernel releases)... they ship and support 
> KVM.  They have their own virtualization products built on top of it (well 
> several if you count OpenShift and all of its flavors and RHEV).  They are 
> the main driving force behind gcc and glibc, etc.  They sponsor a lot of 
> work.  RHEL and the EL clones are supported for a long time.  Their kernels 
> are supported for a long time.  It is the most appropriate platform (in my 
> opinion) for building on top of especially when that product is related to a 
> core competency of EL which is KVM, libvirt, etc.
> When you have a product that has a lot of packages and requires it to all 
> work together well... trying to shoehorn those all onto multiple distros is a 
> lot of work.  There are two basic approaches... bundle everything you use... 
> and totally ignore what the underlying distro provides... OR support a 
> limited number of distros and build specifically for them (the Zimbra 
> approach... with the number of supported distros dwindling over time).  I 
> don't think either of those would be a good approach giving the nature of a 
> newish company with a new major release coming out.
> How long is it taking Virtuozzo to get the product to the market after EL7 
> was initially released?  How long of a lifespan does it have left on that 
> platform?  Compare that to the lifespan of other distros.  If V7 was targeted 
> at a Debian release how much life would that version of Debian have left in 
> it?  It seems to me that about half of the distro lifespan would be devel 
> time leaving only half of it for deployment time.
> Are Red Hat, Gentoo, SUSE users demanding that Proxmox VE make packages for 
> them?  Not really.  Proxmox VE is derived from Debian and can probably be 
> used easily on any Debian-based distro that uses the stock Debian repos... 
> but anything else... forget about it.
> Now having said all of that... if you can make a compelling argument on why 
> Debian (for the host node) would be a better distro to build upon for this 
> use case (or any other distro), I'm all eyes/ears.
> Or if someone wants to take all of the code and built packages on their own 
> for other distros that's fine... but expecting Virtuozzo to do it I think is 
> asking too much.
> TYL,
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