ok, then how can I have VM or CT that act as a probe and receives all trafic from a mirror WAN router interface ? is there a way to bypass a bridge, by pluging the physical interface that receives all mirroed trafic directly to the VM/CT , is it possible ?

Thanks .

Le 02/11/2016 18:33, Vasily Averin a écrit :
Dear Jehan,
as far as I understand incoming packets are filtered by bridge,
it have list of known MAC addresses and forward external packets to internal 
broadcasts and packets addressed to MACs related to given interface.

brctl showmacs brX

So the settings of CT/VM interfaces do not takes into account on this stage.

THank you,
        Vasily Averin

On 02.11.2016 13:56, Jehan Procaccia wrote:

I am still lock on setting *preventpromisc=off* in my CT .
I did ask for it:

# prlctl set CTprobe --device-set net1 --preventpromisc no

no way,  preventpromisc keeps beeing set to on

  [host]# prlctl list -if CTprobe  | grep net1

         net1 (+) dev='veth42ba2f55' ifname='eth1' network='probenet'
       mac=001C42BA2F45*preventpromisc=on* mac_filter=off
       ip_filter=off nameservers= searchdomains=

*Vasily, when you said :*


  19/10/2016 11:29, Vasily Averin wrote :
from man prlctl  ("set" section)

            preventpromisc:  determines  if the specified network adapter 
should reject packages not addressed
            to its virtual environment. If set to "yes", the adapter will drop 
packages not addressed  to  its
            virtual environment.

*In pcs6 it was affected VMs only*, and at present I'm not sure was it fully 
intergrated into vz7 or not.

could it be that it is not integrated in vz7 ? or perhaps not in CT, but could 
work in VM ?

regards .

Le 19/10/2016 17:27, Jehan Procaccia a écrit :
I expect to see all trafic mirrored from our edge router (cisco) to the Wan, 
indeed not trafic source and dest to my CT !

That CTprobe as been transfered from an openvz6 host to that new openv7
on the vz6 there was no brigde, the host eth1 interface was directly 
monted/affected to the CT, like this


yes on the host side, either on the physical interface (em3) directly pluged to 
the mirrored port on the cisco or the associated bridge (brs0) I do see all 
in/out trafic of all users trafic
[host] # tcpdump -i em3 -n
10:40:58.767042 IP > UDP, length 1350
[host]# brctl show
*brs0        8000.14187769840c    no        em3**
**                                                                 veth42ba2f55*

[host] # prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Host-Only         host-only                virbr0
*probenet bridged em3 brs0 veth42ba2f55 *
but neither on the host nor on the CT I cannot see all trafic , but only 
protocol/braodcats or xcat, it seems as if trafic is filtered ... ?*


*[host] # tcpdump -i veth42ba2f55 -n
tcpdump: WARNING: veth42ba2f55: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on veth42ba2f55, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
17:17:34.279194 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
17:17:34.343210 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
17:17:34.451152 IP > HSRPv1*

*CT-11030 /# tcpdump -i eth1 -n
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
17:19:00.184782 arp who-has tell
17:19:00.296277 802.1d config 8001.00:26:99:64:c0:80.9688 root 
8001.00:21:56:1c:3f:80 pathcost 1 age 1 max 20 hello 2 fdelay 15
17:19:00.296641 00:25:84:f1:3f:9b > 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd SNAP Unnumbered, ui, 
Flags [Command], length 50
17:19:00.370773 arp who-has tell
*[host]# prlctl list -if CTprobe  | grep net1
   net1 (+) dev='veth42ba2f55' ifname='eth1' network='probenet' 
mac=001C42BA2F45*preventpromisc=on* mac_filter=off ip_filter=off nameservers= 
*is the  preventpromisc=on my problem, how to change it to off ?
# prlctl set CTprobe --device-set net1 --preventpromisc no
doesn't work ?

regards .*

*Le 19/10/2016 14:33, Vasily Averin a écrit :
Dear Jehan,

could you please clarify, which kind of traffic you expect to see inside 
container ?
Are you sure it is present on host side on according vethX interface?

I think bridge on host can do not route alien traffic to this interface.
IIRC there is some setting on bridge settings that enables "promisc" mode,
but by default bridge does not route all traffic to all attached interfaces.

Thank you,
        Vasily Averin
On 19.10.2016 13:16, Jehan Procaccia wrote:
indeed macfilter, ipfilter and preventpromisc were set to "on"

# prlctl list -if CTprobe  | grep net
   venet0 (+) type='routed'
   net0 (+) dev='veth11030.0' ifname='eth0' network='vlan11' mac=0018511B4688 
preventpromisc=on mac_filter=on ip_filter=on nameservers= searchdomains= 
ips=' '
  *net1 (+) dev='veth42ba2f55' ifname='eth1' network='sondereve' 
mac=001C42BA2F45 preventpromisc=on mac_filter=on ip_filter=on* nameservers= 

I set them to "no"

# prlctl set CTprobe --device-set net1 --ipfilter no
# prlctl set CTprobe --device-set net1 --preventpromisc no
# prlctl set CTprobe --device-set net1 --macfilter no

now they are off , exept preventpromisc which keeps beeing set to on ?

# prlctl list -if CTprobe  | grep net1
net1 (+) dev='veth42ba2f55' ifname='eth1' network='sondereve' mac=001C42BA2F45 
*preventpromisc=on* mac_filter=off ip_filter=off nameservers= searchdomains=

I cannot set it to off !?
I did edit the CTprobe /etc/vz/conf/ file explicitly adding 

no way, my eth1 container interface only sees filtered trafic .

I did nothing regarding the attached bridge (em3 ->*brs0* -> veth42ba2f55) , as I don't 
see any "mac-filter" in vzctl command help (only netfilter, not mac)
# vzctl --help | grep filter
    [--netfilter <disabled|stateless|stateful|full>]

is it the preventpromisc=off  "bug" that drops packets, or the mac-filter on 
the bridge which might be not set ?
indeed it seems as if the container current config drops packets that are not 
address to it , for a probe it is a problem as by definition for a probe 
packets are not addreed to him !.

regards .

Le 19/10/2016 11:29, Vasily Averin a écrit :
Dear Jehan,

# prlctl list -if vvs.vz7.kdev  | grep net0
   net0 (+) dev='veth5147a7b3' ifname='eth0' network='Bridged' mac=00185147A7B3 
preventpromisc=on mac_filter=on ip_filter=on nameservers= searchdomains= 

from man prlctl  ("set" section)
            ipfilter:  determines if the specified network adapter is 
configured to filter network packages by
            IP address. If set to "yes", the adapter is allowed to send 
packages only from IPs in the  network
            adapter's IP addresses list.
            macfilter: determines if the specified network adapter is 
configured to filter network packages by
            MAC address. If set to "yes", the adapter is allowed to  send  
packages  only  from  its  own  MAC
            preventpromisc:  determines  if the specified network adapter 
should reject packages not addressed
            to its virtual environment. If set to "yes", the adapter will drop 
packages not addressed  to  its
            virtual environment.

In pcs6 it was affected VMs only, and at present I'm not sure was it fully 
intergrated into vz7 or not.

2) vzctl also have filter setting for bridged interfaces
man vzctl:
        --mac_filter  on|off  -  enable/disable  packets filtering by MAC 
address and MAC changing on veth
            device inside CT.

Thank you,
        Vasily Averin

On 19.10.2016 12:05, Jehan Procaccia wrote:

I'am back to my vlan/brige/vm-interface ...
although it works fine for my containers primary interfaces (eth0)
I have a specific container that has 2 interfaces, the second beeing for a 
probe on the network (tcpdump, snort etc ...)
unfortunatly only minimal trafic seems to be forwarded into the container on 
that second interface , not all , I do see the wall trafic within the physical 
interface and its bridge on the physical host, but not on the veth into the CT 

here's the physical and config situation: on the physical host I plug the cisco 
mirrored outbound/Wan interface to em3 (physical interface on the host)

I created a virtual network for that probe attached to em3 and associated to 
bridge brs0

# prlsrvctl net add probenet --type bridged --ifname em3
# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Host-Only         host-only                virbr0
*probenet         bridged   em3            brs0           veth42ba2f55   *

my CT 2nd interface (eth1, eth0 beeing the 1st one) is attached to that network
# prlctl set CTprobe --netif_add eth1
# prlctl set CTprobe --ifname eth1 --network probenet

my problem is that a tcpdump -i em3 or bsr0 on the physical host do show all 
traffic on my outbound cisco Wan mirrored interface
here is a very small sample (hundred of packats per secondes ...)
# tcpdump -i brs0 -n
10:40:58.767042 IP > UDP, length 1350
10:40:58.767062 IP > Flags [.], seq 
2056788:2058248, ack 511, win 1650, length 1460
10:40:58.841239 IP > HSRPv1
10:40:59.075644 IP > HSRPv1
10:40:59.801310 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46

if I do the same tcpdump -i veth42ba2f55 or inside the CTprobe -i eth1 , only 
protocol trafic seems to pass through (STP,ARP,HSRP...), no users payload 
(https, ssh etc ...) , and only a dozen packets per seconds (they were hundreds 
on the brs0 or em3)

# tcpdump -i veth42ba2f55 -n
10:45:30.918642 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
8d52.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.213516 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
10:45:31.281744 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
10:45:31.332678 IP > PIMv2, Hello, length 38
10:45:31.383549 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
10:45:31.456594 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
10:45:31.458344 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
89ce.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.458898 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
8168.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.654835 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
89da.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.655039 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
89cf.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.709254 IP > HSRPv1
10:45:31.966666 STP 802.1d, Config, Flags [none], bridge-id 
89d0.00:20:56:1e:a6:80.8040, length 42
10:45:31.993787 CDPv2, ttl: 180s, Device-ID 'core.ispint.fr', length 405

Is the CT veth filtering trafic ? or cannot cope with the volume ?
it is strange though that no payload/users trafic, only protocol 
(Xcast/broadcast ?) trafic pass from brs0 to veth42ba2f55 or inside the CTprobe 
Am I  missing a "capability" ?

Regards .

Le 10/10/2016 21:24, Jehan Procaccia a écrit :
Indeed !
that was that last setting missing:

prlctl set MyCT11 --ifname eth0 --network vlan11

now vlans works fine
Just note that I had to add NM_CONTROLLED="no" to all mi ifcfg-xxx definition 
files, otherwise network restart failed to start them

regards .

Le 10/10/2016 09:12, Vasily Averin a écrit :
Dear Jehan,

Virtuozzo 7 have nice documentaion on docs.virtuozzo.com


in your case you need to bind container interface to newly-created bridge by 
using follwing command:

prlctl set MyCT11 --ifname eth0 --network vlan11

Thank you,
     Vasily Averin

On 09.10.2016 22:37, Jehan Procaccia wrote:
I found a method to configure bridge and vlan based on RHEL docs :

in order not to mess with current config automatically configured by virtuozzo7 
installer on em1 and em2 with repective bridges br0 en br1, I plugged a 3rd 
interface on the server (fiber) p2p2 :

[network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-p2p2

then the associated subinterface for vlan11 as described in RHEL7 doc

# cat ifcfg-p2p2*.11*

and finally the bridge for that vlan

# cat ifcfg-br11

# ip -d link show p2p2.11
41: p2p2.11@p2p2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue 
master br11 state UP mode DEFAULT
      link/ether f4:e9:d4:91:c4:33 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 1
      vlan protocol 802.1Q id 11 <REORDER_HDR> addrgenmode none

# ip -d link show br11
42: br11: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP 
      link/ether f4:e9:d4:91:c4:33 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0
      bridge addrgenmode none

Now I can add my virtual network attached to the p2p2.11 interface (or should I 
have chosed  br11 !?)

#  prlsrvctl net add vlan11 --type bridged --ifname p2p2.11
# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Bridged           bridged   em2            br1
Host-Only         host-only                virbr0
vlan11            bridged   p2p2.11        br11

# brctl show
bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
br0        8000.14187769840a    yes        em1
br1        8000.14187769840b    no        em2
br11        8000.f4e9d495c432    no        p2p2.11
host-routed        8000.000000000000    no
virbr0        8000.52540064dd31    no        virbr0-nic

create a container MyCT11
# prlctl create MyCT11 --vmtype ct
Processing metadata for centos-7-x86_64
...The Container has been successfully created.

now I add an interface to my CT so that it will be in vlan11

# prlctl set MyCT11 --netif_add eth0
# prlctl set MyCT11 --ifname eth0 --ipadd
# prlctl set MyCT11 --ifname eth0 --gw

entering the CT an pinging the gateway unfortunatly fails

CT-bad098d8 /# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms

the pb seems that that new CT seems to be attached to an other bridge

# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Bridged           bridged   em2            *br1     *      *veth4250fe85   *
Host-Only         host-only                virbr0
vlan11            bridged   p2p2.11        br11

not to vlan11 network on br11

I guess I missed something , where did I went wrong ?
anyone has a full scenario to enable vlan through bridge mode in CT (and VM) ?

regards .


Le 07/10/2016 19:22, Jehan Procaccia a écrit :

based on  
it is not clear to me how to create virtual networks associated to  vlans ?

On a fresly installed Virtuozzo Linux release 7.2 (3515) on a host with 2 
activated interfaces (em1 and em2) in trunk mode (cisco terminology switchport 
trunk, allowed vlan 10,11,12, native 10) I cannot find out how to create 
networks dedicated to a vlan

I tried :
# prlsrvctl net add vlan11 --type bridged --ifname em2
Failed to add Virtual Network vlan11: This network adapter is already in use. 
Please select another network adapter and try again.

I suspect that because em2 is already bridge to br1, it cannot be bridged 
anymore ?

Or should I create a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em2.11 to have a 
interface dedicated to vlan11 :
# cat ifcfg-em2.11

an then try to: /prlsrvctl net add vlan11 --type bridged --ifname em2.11/ ?
unfortunatly after /systemctl restart network/ , system complains with :

Bringing up interface em2.11:  Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable 
device found for this connection.

as anymone succeed in configuring CT and VM attached to vlan (in bridge mode as 
I want full feature network with multicast/broacast) ?

Thanks .

PS : few more information of the actual network config on the system :

# ip addr | grep LOWER_UP
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
2: em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br0 state UP 
qlen 1000
3: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br1 state UP 
qlen 1000
8: venet0: <BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue 
22: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
23: br1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP

# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge         Slave interfaces
Bridged           bridged   em2            br1
Host-Only         host-only                virbr0

it strange that em1 and br0 doesn't show up here !?

# brctl show
bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
br0        8000.14187769840a    no        em1
br1        8000.14187769840b    no        em2
host-routed        8000.000000000000    no
virbr0        8000.52540064dd31    no        virbr0-nic
virbr2        8000.52540085818e    no        virbr2-nic

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