On 10/24/2016 03:00 PM, Narcis Garcia wrote:
> In OpenVZ 6 this is true: Same HN run ploop containers & simfs
> containers without problem.
> El 24/10/16 a les 16:46, Frank Myhr ha escrit:
>> Is it possible to run some ploop containers and some simfs containers on the
>> same node? The OpenVZ 7 docs refer only to VEFSTYPE=simfs|ext4 in the global
>> /etc/vz/vz.conf.

Thanks, Narcis.

I just tested, OpenVZ 7 can in fact run both ploop & simfs containers on the
same node. VEFSTYPE=simfs|ext4 in /etc/vz/vz.conf controls which type gets
created by "prlctl create". Unlike with OpenVZ 6, VE_LAYOUT does not appear in
each CT's ve.conf. Instead, each CT's private directory contains a hidden
symlink, .ve.layout. The symlink points to a non-existent file "4" or "5". It 
.ve.layout -> 4 means simfs
.ve.layout -> 5 means ploop
At least that's the way it works for the CTs I've created so far.

Probably some of this should go in the wiki :-)

Thanks again,
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