Dear Hugo,

thank you for reporting the problem!
Host crash dump is required for its investigation,
Please be sure that kdumps service is properly configured enabled on affected 
and when issue will e reproduced again trigger host crash via Alt+sysrq+C, 
I hope you should be able to generate this key sequence via your KVM.

Thank you,
        Vasily Averin

On 9/4/19 10:15 AM, Hugo Cloez wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently update my openvz hosts on the latest kernel update : 
> 3.10.0-957.12.2.vz7.96.21
> I have encountered more freeze with my servers since the installation of this 
> new kernel, as well as openvz packages.
> I don't found errors in my logs, dmsg. The system freeze and i need to cold 
> boot with the/**/KVM/*.*/
> just ([    7.306689] PrlSDKError('SDK error: 0x80000249: Unable to connect to 
> Virtuozzo. You may experience a connection problem or the server may be down. 
> Contact your Virtuozzo administrator for assistance.',))
> I have no solution apart from starting on the old kernel 
> :3.10.0-862.20.2.vz7.73.29
> From this kernel obviously no problem.
> Have a good day
> -- 
> Cordialement,
> *Hugo CLOEZ
> *
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