On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 09:04 AM, Neil wrote:
>> Thanks for your assistance Itamar,
>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> this means the installed host could not download the bootstrap file from
>>> the
>>> engine.
>>> try browsing engine from the host for
>>> http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/
>>> (in 3.2 this is improved by having the engine SCP to node, so this dns
>>> resolution path won't be needed.
>> So this explains why I'm having the issue then,
>> node02.blabla.com( is my old engine, my new engine hostname
>> is backup.blabla.com( any idea how I change this?
> did you move the db from one engine to another?
> use ovirt-config to check all values in the config table which point to the
> old host and update them (or psql for vdc_options table)

Thanks Itamar,

Yes correct, the db was dumped and re-imported onto the new server.

When running engine-config I see that there are two options that still
refer to my old engine, I presume both should be changed?

engine-config -a | grep -i node
VdcBootStrapUrl: http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/ version: general
VirtualMachineDomainName: node02.blabla.com version: general

Also I've tried setting my VdcBootStrapUrl, but I'm battling to get
the syntax correct, I've tried all sorts of combinations, but none
seem to work, not sure if the key should be quoted, or declared
completely or if just the key should be specified etc?

[root@backup ~]# engine-config -g VdcBootStrapUrl
VdcBootStrapUrl: http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/ version: general

[root@backup ~]# engine-config -s key=VdcBootStrapUrl
backup.blabla.com --cver=http://node02.blabla.com
Error setting key's value. No such entry with version http://node02.blabla.com.

I've tried specifying the full path, tried quoting and all sorts of
different variants of the above combinations without any success.
Please could you perhaps give me an example of the correct usage?

Thank you.


Neil Wilson.
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