On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 11:36 AM, Neil wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 10/22/2012 09:04 AM, Neil wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your assistance Itamar,
>>>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> this means the installed host could not download the bootstrap file
>>>>> from
>>>>> the
>>>>> engine.
>>>>> try browsing engine from the host for
>>>>> http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/
>>>>> (in 3.2 this is improved by having the engine SCP to node, so this dns
>>>>> resolution path won't be needed.
>>>> So this explains why I'm having the issue then,
>>>> node02.blabla.com( is my old engine, my new engine hostname
>>>> is backup.blabla.com( any idea how I change this?
>>> did you move the db from one engine to another?
>>> use ovirt-config to check all values in the config table which point to
>>> the
>>> old host and update them (or psql for vdc_options table)
>> Thanks Itamar,
>> Yes correct, the db was dumped and re-imported onto the new server.
>> When running engine-config I see that there are two options that still
>> refer to my old engine, I presume both should be changed?
>> engine-config -a | grep -i node
>> VdcBootStrapUrl: http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/ version:
>> general
>> VirtualMachineDomainName: node02.blabla.com version: general
>> Also I've tried setting my VdcBootStrapUrl, but I'm battling to get
>> the syntax correct, I've tried all sorts of combinations, but none
>> seem to work, not sure if the key should be quoted, or declared
>> completely or if just the key should be specified etc?
>> [root@backup ~]# engine-config -g VdcBootStrapUrl
>> VdcBootStrapUrl: http://node02.blabla.com:80/Components/vds/ version:
>> general
>> [root@backup ~]# engine-config -s key=VdcBootStrapUrl
>> backup.blabla.com --cver=http://node02.blabla.com
>> Error setting key's value. No such entry with version
>> http://node02.blabla.com.
> cver is the "general" part (or if cluster version specific, 3.0/3.1).
> just try:
> engine-config -s VdcBootStrapUrl=http://node02.blabla.com

Okay thanks, that worked and allowed me to set it, and I also set the
"VirtualMachineDomainName" but I'm still receiving the same
error(after restarting ovirt-engine).

I've tried to browse to the url you gave me on your first reply both
from the new host and one of the existing ones and I receive the

Web/7.0.13.Final - Error report
Status 404 - /Components/vds/
   type Status report
   message /Components/vds/
   description The requested resource (/Components/vds/) is not available.
  JBoss Web/7.0.13.Final

Seems like something still isn't correct after the upgrade/migration
to the new machine... any ideas what to try next?

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