On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Alissa Bonas wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for additional information.
> The engine log actually shows that slclone started ok:
> "VM slclone c6c56d41-d70d-4b9b-a1cb-8b0c097b89a0 moved from PoweringUp --> Up"
> Can you explain what problem are you experiencing in that VM?
> Also, could provide the vdsm log from the same timeframe?
>> Gianluca

The Vm doesn't boot.
As I wrote in the other e-mail:

The problem is that the cloned VM recognizes the disks in reversed order

See these images where sl1432 is master slcone is the clone

disk layout in details pane seems equal with boot disk the one that
appears as the second, but the master boots ok, the slave no.
Disks are swapped

Master VM disk details:

Clone VM disks details:

Page with the two consoles where you can see that vda of master
becomes vdb of clone and vice-versa:

Can I swap again in some way? In VMware for example you can see and
edit SCSI IDs of disks...


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