How would I "run" the oVirtEngine in "Debug Mode"…?  Any parameter needs to be 
set..?  Which one…?

I hope version 3.3 overcomes many of these setup issues.  Pray to the almighty.


José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS 
M: 787-615-4884 |

On Aug 11, 2013, at 2:49 AM, Yair Zaslavsky <> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richie@HIP" <>
>> To: "Itamar Heim" <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2013 5:41:58 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>> Last week I dove deep into a fiends network and Active Directory
>> infrastructure trying to install oVirtEngine with default values.  I was
>> able to have AD DHCP recognize the VirtualBox oViertEngine VM and it took
>> the better part of three (3) hours to get the DHCP to recognize the "Name"
>> of the computer; it would show the IP and MAC address, but with <empty>
>> name.  Finally I discovered that the name of the VM Fedora 18 "machine" had
>> to be defines under "System Settings > Details >  Overview > Device Name; t
>> had "localloop.localdomain" and chained to "ovirtenine" and reotedh P showed
>> e Name of the  computer.  The DNS entry had to be made by hand since for
>> some reason the DHCP lease was not being copied to the DNS database.
>> Once both of these (DHCP and DNS where death with, oVirtEngine installed as
>> documented - without errors and hangs.
>> Then I opened the Welcome to oVirt Engine / Management web page.  Upon trying
>> to open any of the portals, I was asked to verify the "certificate"; which I
>> accepted.  I grid opening the User Portal and upon being presented the Login
>> screen I entered "admin" as user, and "welcome" as the password (that's what
>> I defined as password for the test VM I'm creating.)  I awaited several
>> minuted and nothing happened.  I shut down the oVirtEngine VM, and increased
>> the VM RAM from 4 Gb to 6 Gb.  Rebooted and reconnected and was able to
>> enter the "Users Portal", albeit after waiting almost a minute.  Voila…!!!
>> It works…!!!
>> But then I realized it was a premature celebration.  When trying to enter the
>> "Administration Portal", seeing the login screen, more than half an hour
>> passed and nothing happened; only a spinning cursor and hardly any disk or
>> LAN activity in the oVirtEngine VM.
>> I copied all the entries in the engine.log related to today.  I'm including
>> them as attachment so anyone can tell me why I can;t enter the oVirtEngine
>> "Administrator Portal".  Neither can I get into the Reports Portal which
>> even shows a message with either a typo, of a british way of expressing
>> "legal" (it read "LeAgal" (the uppercase "A" is my way of showing the typo).
>> Please let me know if you have any suggestions regarding logging into the
>> Administrator Portal.  Could it be that at least one node has to exist…?  In
>> the "engine.log" I can see several INFO and WAR messages, but the ERROR ones
>> (which are very few) are to cryptic for me to make sense of them.
> I saw the log, indeed looks strange.
> In order to get all the data of the main screen (after login) several queries 
> are run to the engine in order to fetch the data
> What I would suggest (unless someone else can see something I missed in the 
> log) is to consider to run ovirt-engine in such a way that debug messages 
> will be logged as well.
>> oVirt is beginning to come alive on my side; but not quite there yet.  Any
>> help appreciated..
>> RIchie
>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>> On Aug 1, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Richie@HIP
>> <> wrote:
>>> In a conversation via IRC, someone suggested that I activate "dnsmask" to
>>> overcome what appears to be a DNS problem.  I'll try that other
>>> possibility once I get home later today.
>>> In the mean time, what do you mean by "fixing the hostname"…?  I opened and
>>> fixed the HOSTNAMES and changed it from "localhost-localdomain" to
>>> "localhost.localdomain" and that made no difference.  Albeit, after
>>> changing I didm;t restart, remove ovirtEngine ((using "engine-cleanup")
>>> and reinstalled via "engine-setup".  Is that what you mean…?
>>> In the mean time, the fact that even if I resolve the issue of oVirtEngine
>>> I will not be able to connect to the oVirt Nodes unless I have DNS
>>> resolution, apparently means I should do something with resolving via DNS
>>> in my home LAN (i.e implement some sort of "DNS Cache" so I can resolve my
>>> home computers via DNS inside my LAN).
>>> Any suggestions are MORE THAN WELCOME…!!!
>>> Richie
>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>> On Aug 1, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Itamar Heim <> wrote:
>>>> On 08/01/2013 07:13 PM, Richie@HIP wrote:
>>>>> Is there a contact or someone that could give me tech support remotely…?
>>>>> I'm willing to pay if the problem is solved.
>>>> isn't the issue solved if you fix the hostname?
>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>> On Aug 1, 2013, at 11:43 AM, "Richie@HIP"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Where do you want me to "open a bug entry", and thereafter, exactly how
>>>>>> will I explain it so whomever reads and later attends the bug can
>>>>>> figure out how to reproduce it…?
>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>> On Aug 1, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Itamar Heim <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 08/01/2013 01:43 AM, Richie@HIP wrote:
>>>>>>>> BTW - I installed oVirtEngine at a client's office using a VirtualBox
>>>>>>>> VM.  They are a large imaging center and have an Active Directory and
>>>>>>>> DNS in place.  I Stumbled upon ALL the same problems when using the
>>>>>>>> default engine setup parameters (it hung upon restarting the HTTPd
>>>>>>>> service).
>>>>>>>> Just to add to your knowledge, I began doing the oVirtEngine
>>>>>>>> implementation using Parallels Desktop as well as VirtualBox in MY
>>>>>>>> MacBookPro; both experience the same problems.
>>>>>>> can you please open a bug on installer to clearly state this name will
>>>>>>> not work, etc?
>>>>>>>> Richie
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS*
>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> On Jul 31, 2013, at 6:29 PM, "Richie@HIP"
>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Arr.…
>>>>>>>>> On June 4 2013 I sent the following message trying to overcome the
>>>>>>>>> FQDN issue:
>>>>>>>>>> hi oVirt Community.
>>>>>>>>>> This will be my first posting for help to the oVirt community, so
>>>>>>>>>> please bear with me I'f I'm not to the etiquette standards you might
>>>>>>>>>> have already.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to test oVirt as a FOSS Virtualization solution for
>>>>>>>>>> small-
>>>>>>>>>> to medium-sized healthcare organizations implementing various health
>>>>>>>>>> information technology solutions (HIT) that the new health care
>>>>>>>>>> reform is requiring.  As a Clinical informatist, I'm very concerned
>>>>>>>>>> about health care costs, hence I'm pushing for open source to take a
>>>>>>>>>> wider stance in U.S. health care to reduce costs where possible and
>>>>>>>>>> divert moneys to patient care.  Now enough with my altruistic
>>>>>>>>>> desires, and let go into the deep.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to create "virtual machines" (using VirtualBox, Parallels
>>>>>>>>>> and/or VMWare Workstation); mainly one for "oVirt Engine"; ind later
>>>>>>>>>> a the second one for "oVirt Nodes".  This way, these VM's files can
>>>>>>>>>> be copier to any hardware and underlying OS, so at least the "Virt
>>>>>>>>>> Engine" is easily installed and brought-up to facilitate managing
>>>>>>>>>> oVirt Nodes.  I considered creating ".iso" images of each component
>>>>>>>>>> (Engine and Nodes) but I'm afraid this will hit the wall for linux
>>>>>>>>>> novices when installing the ".iso" images in different hardware
>>>>>>>>>> platforms (with different processors, number of cores, RAM,
>>>>>>>>>> chipsets,
>>>>>>>>>> etc.)
>>>>>>>>>> I've begun with creating a VM for oVirt Engine under Parallels
>>>>>>>>>> (albeit I began with VirtualBox, but drivers "client additions"
>>>>>>>>>> aren't compatible with Fedora 18 - so I'll migrate this Parallels VM
>>>>>>>>>> to VB once it is operational)  Fedora 18 installed without a single
>>>>>>>>>> problem.  I then installed all "oVirt Engine" requirements by
>>>>>>>>>> performing the instructions published in
>>>>>>>>>> - that is:
>>>>>>>>>> First:
>>>>>>>>>> sudo yum localinstall
>>>>>>>>>> Second:
>>>>>>>>>> sudo yum install -y ovirt-engine
>>>>>>>>>> Third:  …I get stuck…!!!
>>>>>>>>>> When I am performing the third step, I hit the fan.  Each time I
>>>>>>>>>> perform the third step shown in the aforementioned web page
>>>>>>>>>> (i.e. sudo engine-setup), the "Welcome to oVirt Engine setup
>>>>>>>>>> utility"
>>>>>>>>>> appears and begins to run until I reach the point where I need to
>>>>>>>>>> define a "Fully Qualified Domain Name."
>>>>>>>>>> NOTE - A video of how to install oVirt in a single machine, entitled
>>>>>>>>>> "Installing oVirt on a single machine" (at:
>>>>>>>>>> shows the process (with some
>>>>>>>>>> exemptions because it was recorded while oVirt v3.x was in beta),
>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>> I don't get what the video shows…!!!
>>>>>>>>>> This is what I do and before getting stuck in the "FQDN thing" (no
>>>>>>>>>> pun intended…!!!).  As third-step, I enter:
>>>>>>>>>> sudo engine-setup
>>>>>>>>>> I follow the prompts that appear after the "Welcome to oVirt Engine
>>>>>>>>>> setup utility" is shown in the terminal window until I get to the
>>>>>>>>>> prompt:
>>>>>>>>>> Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully
>>>>>>>>>> resolvable  [localhost.localdomain] :
>>>>>>>>>> If I press "Enter", I get…:
>>>>>>>>>> The IP ( which was resolved from the FQDN
>>>>>>>>>> localhost.localdomain is not configured on any non loopback
>>>>>>>>>> interface
>>>>>>>>>> on this host
>>>>>>>>>> I figured that in order to define a FQDNm I had to expose my "oVirt
>>>>>>>>>> Engine" VN to the Internet.  Since I'm doing all from home (where
>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>> limited to a "Dynamic IP", albeit, which hardly-ever changes) I went
>>>>>>>>>> to <> and created an entry so my "FQDN
>>>>>>>>>> Text-URL" would resolve to the IP where I'm at.  I also modified my
>>>>>>>>>> Domain's DNS and entered a "DNS Alias" named "dcmanagement",
>>>>>>>>>> defining
>>>>>>>>>> this "DNS alias" to resolve into my IP by going to
>>>>>>>>>> <> to get my "Public IP".  Hence, the alias
>>>>>>>>>> "dcmanagement1" resolves by going to
>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>> <>" and gets my Public IP.
>>>>>>>>>> NOTE - To test this setup, I do "ping" to either
>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>> <>" or
>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>> <>" and I get
>>>>>>>>>> my Dynamic Public IP back.  Once the "Text URL" issue was returning
>>>>>>>>>> my IP (as FQDN expect) I repeated the:
>>>>>>>>>> sudo engine-setup
>>>>>>>>>> Upon reaching:
>>>>>>>>>> Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully
>>>>>>>>>> resolvable  [localhost.localdomain] :
>>>>>>>>>> I entered "
>>>>>>>>>> <>" and got my Public
>>>>>>>>>> IP back with the following message:
>>>>>>>>>> The IP ( which was resolved from the FQDN
>>>>>>>>>> <> is not configured
>>>>>>>>>> on any non loopback interface on this host
>>>>>>>>>> Now, here's the question.  What does anyone suggest I do to overcome
>>>>>>>>>> the FQDN setting and continue the installation process…?
>>>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> Looking at your evaluation of my ERROR_LOG, and HOSTNAME  (your first
>>>>>>>>> and second comments) you reassured my suspicion; to go to "HOSTNAME"
>>>>>>>>> and change "localhost-localdomain" to "localhost.localdomain".
>>>>>>>>> When I go to your "third" comment is where all hell breaks loose.
>>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>> say "/to make ovirt-engine work, you must have resolvable host via
>>>>>>>>> dns
>>>>>>>>> and resolved to non loopback address, so localhost will not work for
>>>>>>>>> you/".  That line appears to take me back to where I started a month
>>>>>>>>> and half ago (see copy of my original pos for help); "localhost" and
>>>>>>>>> "localdomain" seem to be biting me in the ass.
>>>>>>>>> I was told that by adding an entry to the HOST file i'd overcome the
>>>>>>>>> need for a DNS.  Not exactly the same as what you suggest and/or
>>>>>>>>> mean…?
>>>>>>>>> Since I'm doing this work at home I have a Dynamic IP.  I opened an
>>>>>>>>> account on DynDNS.or so I could resolve DNSs to my "Dynamic IP";
>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>> changes every time the power goes out and back (i.e. about once a
>>>>>>>>> month in Puerto Rico where I'm at, and were used to that as trees and
>>>>>>>>> tropical foliage can't be prevented from causing blackouts by
>>>>>>>>> tripping
>>>>>>>>> on power lines).
>>>>>>>>> If I PING (from the "Terminal")
>>>>>>>>> <> I get my "Public IP at
>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>> Time" (i.e. my "Assigned Dynamic IP").
>>>>>>>>> In my <> DNS setting I have a CName
>>>>>>>>> entry for:
>>>>>>>>> * Host: dcmanagement1
>>>>>>>>> * Points To:
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> <Screen Shot 2013-07-31 at 6.19.54 PM.png>
>>>>>>>>> What should I use as FQDN then (which is resolved by GoDaddy's DNS):
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> * something else…?
>>>>>>>>> The problem I see with this is that the "oVirtEngine" VM will not
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> a valid Internet IP since it sits behind a router that is doing NAT.
>>>>>>>>> I could set a rule (ex. por forwarding, port triggering or a static
>>>>>>>>> route) in my router that states that if port X is being accessed from
>>>>>>>>> "the outside" (i.e. Internet) to route to my "oVirtEngine VM IP";
>>>>>>>>> which is getting it's own IP from the router's DHCP.
>>>>>>>>> What do you think now that you have a little more information about
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>> setup…?
>>>>>>>>> *José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS*
>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 31, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Richie@HIP" <
>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Alon Bar-Lev" < <>>
>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Itamar Heim" < <>>,
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 9:00:11 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm having difficulties copying files between the virtual machine
>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>> host (Mac OS X) so here are the contents of the LOG files you
>>>>>>>>>>> requested, and
>>>>>>>>>>> them some others; just in case:
>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR_LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.461132 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1573] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.466439 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1573]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 24 15:43:22.470121 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1573] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>> of "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.690954 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1767] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.740559 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1767]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:14:34.754827 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1767] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:41:37.883704 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1669] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:41:38.007318 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1669]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 18:41:38.235952 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1669] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.662852 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1776] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.667030 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1776]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:32:24.752059 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1776] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.686998 2013] [core:notice] [pid 9998] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.688804 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 9998]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Thu Jul 25 22:43:58.713941 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 9998] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.413032 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1608] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.594199 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1608]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jul 31 11:44:35.655151 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1608] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>> You must fix this... host should be valid name... or at least
>>>>>>>>>> localhost.localdomain
>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR_LOG-20130722
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.169441 2013] [core:notice] [pid 9738] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.226321 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 9738]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:34:14.266895 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 9738] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.696805 2013] [core:notice] [pid 10003] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context
>>>>>>>>>>> unconfined_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.703114 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 10003]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 21:46:05.766539 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 10003]
>>>>>>>>>>> (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name
>>>>>>>>>>> or service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 22:41:22.385838 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1228] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 22:41:22.961322 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1228]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Wed Jun 05 22:41:23.009235 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1228] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 2)Name or
>>>>>>>>>>> service not known: AH01564: unable to find IPv4 address of
>>>>>>>>>>> "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Fri Jul 19 17:51:20.671533 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1133] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Fri Jul 19 17:51:21.151132 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1133]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Fri Jul 19 17:51:21.155341 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1133] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>> of "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> [Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.080793 2013] [core:notice] [pid 1293] SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>> policy
>>>>>>>>>>> enabled; httpd running as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
>>>>>>>>>>> [Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.143691 2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1293]
>>>>>>>>>>> AH01232: suEXEC
>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
>>>>>>>>>>> [Mon Jul 22 10:53:42.487376 2013] [unique_id:alert] [pid 1293] (EAI
>>>>>>>>>>> 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: AH01564: unable to find
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>> of "localhost-localdomain"
>>>>>>>>>>> AH00016: Configuration Failed
>>>>>>>>>>> ACCESS_LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>>>> SSL_ACCESS_LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>>>> SSL_ERROR_LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>>>> SSL_REQUESTS_LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>>>> HOSTS
>>>>>>>>>>> # This is a sample HOSTS file prepared by Richie Piovanetti to
>>>>>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>>>>>> oVirt's "oVirtEngine"
>>>>>>>>>>> # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.
>>>>>>>>>>> # Each entry should be kept on an individual line.
>>>>>>>>>>> # The IP address should be placed in the first column followed by
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding host name.
>>>>>>>>>>> # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least
>>>>>>>>>>> one space.
>>>>>>>>>>> # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on
>>>>>>>>>>> individual lines
>>>>>>>>>>> # or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
>>>>>>>>>>> # For example:
>>>>>>>>>>> # <> # source
>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>> # <> # x client host
>>>>>>>>>>> localhost
>>>>>>>>>>> ::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
>>>>>>>>>>> localhost
>>>>>>>>>>> # The line above begins with the IP of the local machine (host)
>>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>> oVirtEngine resides
>>>>>>>>>>> HOSTNAME
>>>>>>>>>>> localhost-localdomain
>>>>>>>>>> Should be localhost or localhost.localdomain, but not the above.
>>>>>>>>>> Also, to make ovirt-engine work, you must have resolvable host via
>>>>>>>>>> dns and resolved to non loopback address, so localhost will not work
>>>>>>>>>> for you.
>>>>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <
>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Richie@HIP" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Alon Bar-Lev" < <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Itamar Heim" < <>>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:42:51 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me star by Saying, I;m using Fedora 18 Desktop; whack I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>> removed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the unnecessary stuff (games, libreOffice, mail server, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "utilities") to strip it down.  Then I run YUM to "-update"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Fedora 18 Desktop.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When setting up the oVirt Engine, if I accept the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommendations, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "engine-setup" process hangs "try to restart the HTTPd"; gives
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ERROR}
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and aborts the rest of the process.  I've included terminal dumps
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and logs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (i.e. "as attachments") in prior email everyone you to see…!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I DO
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accept the recommendations related to the HTTPd, then the setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>> process
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RUNS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AS EXPECTED and gives me port 8700 for the main page, and 8701
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> oVirtEngine "portals".  I've looked at the engine-etup log and if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aborts
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when the python script is trying to restart HHTPd. Look at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013_07_25_10_55_PM_TerminalOutput - Terminal output dump IF I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACCEPT the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup_2013_07_25_22_35_14 - engine-setup "log" IF I ACCEPT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to know why httpd is not started at your machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please send /var/log/httpd/error_log,
>>>>>>>>>>>> /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013_07_25_11_30_PM_TerminalOutput - Terminal output dump if I DO
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accept
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup_2013_07_25_23_27_15 - engine-setup "log" if I DO NOT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accept
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've never reached a point where I've been asked to "accept of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reject a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Certificate"; I've just been able to open the "oVirt Engine
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Welcome
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Screen"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (through port 8700 - ex. at http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://ovirt.localhost.local:8700/>")
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've had my concerns as to the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What about removing all HTTP (apache, tomcat, etc.) fro fedora,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stripping fedora even more, prior to running "engine-setup".
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There must be an error trapping failure to restart HTTPd in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "engine-setup"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that needs to be attended.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> …
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see attachments
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 29, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Alon Bar-Lev <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Richie@HIP" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Itamar Heim" < <>>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 6:45:28 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein the terminal output after removing oVirtEngine and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstalling;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BU
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this time NOT overriding the https configuration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why not follow the recommendation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again, I was able to open the oVirt Engine "Welcome to Open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Virtualization
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manager" screen in Firefox using "ovirt.localdomain.local:8700"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as URL,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't enter any of the portals (requiring access to port 8701)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What do you get? what error in browser? you should accept the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certificate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before you are permitted by the browser to access this site.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 25, 2013, at 11:22 PM, "Richie@HIP"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did what you said; removed existing installation and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstalled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oVirtEngine.  Below is the output in the terminal:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I DID NOT change the defaults of the installation defaults
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> related to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "overriding current https configuration", and as weeks before,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation hangs with an error when restarting the "httpd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include the terminal output and engine-setup log file for you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll redo the removal and installation, this time process but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> next time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "NOT overriding https configuration".  Wait for a follow up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these results.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <engine-setup_2013_07_25_22_35_14.log><2013_07_25_10_55_PM_TerminalOutput.txt>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> José E ("Richie") Piovanetti, MD, MS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M: 787-615-4884 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 24, 2013, at 4:18 PM, Alon Bar-Lev <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Richie@HIP"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Itamar Heim" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:00:04 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Users] Problem Creating "oVirt Engine"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein a collection of some of the logs in the path
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "engine.log" I'm including the one with the oldest date in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filename.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please remove installation using:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # engine-cleanup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then reinstall:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # engine-setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please select integration with apache, and configure SSL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After doing so, try to login using http://localhost/webadmin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working please send the engine.log.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
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