----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Suckow" <thomas.suc...@pnnl.gov>
> To: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 11:32:02 PM
> Subject: [Users] Compliance problem with ovirt 3.3 on Fedora 19
> I attempted to setup and all-in-one solution on Fedora 19. I ran through the
> install which made a default data center and cluster. I created a host with
> and then attempted to add the bridge that the test day
> documentation states does not get handled properly. After many reboots and
> disabling NetworkManager.service and enabling network.service as well as
> manually editing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files I had a
> network connection and reduced the "errors" that seem to be keeping my host
> in the Nonfunctional state to:
> Host Localhost does not comply with the cluster Default emulated machines.
> The Hosts emulated machines are <UNKNOWN> and the cluster is [rhel6.4.0,
> pc-1.0]}
> Recommendations of something I may be doing wrong? Has running 3.3 on F19
> been a bad choice on my part? Bug?

The engine does not support localhost (loopback) as an address for network 

You have to use a real interface with real address.

You can also use fake interface to do so, such as dummy.

modprobe dummy
ifconfig dummy0 netmask

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