in mixing storage domain types no SPF Master Storage domain)


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Jakub Bittner <> wrote:

> Dne 27.8.2013 17:34, Itamar Heim napsal(a):
>  On 08/27/2013 06:27 PM, Jakub Bittner wrote:
>>> Dne 20.8.2013 23:19, Itamar Heim napsal(a):
>>>> earlier in the year we did a survey for feature requests /
>>>> improvements / etc.
>>>> since a lot of things were added, and priorities usually change, I'd
>>>> like to ask again for "what do you need the most from oVirt / what are
>>>> your pain points" next?
>>>> below[1] I've listed my understanding of what already went in from
>>>> previous survey requests (to various degrees of coverage).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>    Itamar
>>>> [1] from the top 12
>>>> V Allow disk resize
>>>> V Integrate Nagios/Zabbix monitoring - via a ui plugin
>>>> V Highly Available engine - via hosted engine[2]
>>>> V Open vSwitch integration - via neutron integration
>>>> X Allow cloning VMs without template
>>>> ? Enable hypervisor upgrade/updates through engine[3]
>>>> V Allow engine on an oVirt hosted VM - via hosted engine[2]
>>>> V Enable guest configuration (root password, SSH keys, network) via
>>>>   guest agent in engine - via cloud-init
>>>> X Integrate v2v into engine
>>>> ? Bond/extend ovirtmgmt with a second network for HA/increased
>>>>   bandwidth[4]
>>>> X Integrate scheduling of snapshots and VM export for backups in
>>>>   engine[5]
>>>> V Spice – support Google Chrome - via mime based launch
>>>> Other items mentioned in previous survey which should be covered by now:
>>>> - Fix timeout when adding local host during all-in-one configuration
>>>> - Fix engine set-up when SELinux is disabled
>>>> - Provide packages for el6 (CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
>>>> - Allow multiple VMs to be deployed from the same template at the same
>>>>   time
>>>> - ISO domains on local/GlusterS
>>>> - Show IP addresses in Virtual Machines->Network Interfaces
>>>> - OpenStack Quantum support (now called Neutron)
>>>> - noVNC support
>>>> - Support spice.html5 and websocket proxy
>>>> - Add other guest OSes to list
>>>> - Port oVirt guest agent to Ubuntu[6]
>>>> - SLA - Allow resource time-sharing
>>>> - Spice - Mac client (via mime based launch)
>>>> - Spice - port XPI plug-in to Windows (not sure this will happen, but
>>>>   mime based launch allows using firefox now)
>>>> - Spice - client for Ubuntu/Debian (should be covered via mime based
>>>>   launch)
>>>> [2] hosted engine is in active development, but not released yet.
>>>> [3] host update is supported, but not for general yum update.
>>>> [4] a lot of improvements were done in this space, but i'm not sure if
>>>>     they cover this exact use case
>>>> [5] backup api is now being pushed to master, and orchestration of
>>>>     backups should probably happen via 3rd part backup vendors?
>>>> [6] I'm not sure packaging exists yet, but ubuntu is covered for the
>>>>     basic functionality of the guest agent.
>>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>>> Users mailing list
>>> Some time ago I was on IBM kvm virtualization preview and they show us
>>> gold image feature and I like it. It could be implemented in oVirt ;-)
>>> more info:
>>> jsp?**sbsolutions.doc%**2FugGoldImageOverview.htm<>
>> Can you explain how you view this as different from ovirt templates?
>>> Next nice feature could be importing existing iSCSI domain.
>> importing any data storage domain i assume?
> Yes.
>>  Possibility of direct use of HW by VM.
>> such as?
> Telephone modem. PCI-express cards. Graphic cards
>>  and the absolutely fantastic feature would be to create clusters from
>>> Intel and AMD processors together!
>> well, you can do that today if you want to via a config change. the only
>> thing is live migration won't work (you should probably use -cpu host to
>> get best performance, since live migration won't be used anyway)
>> (well, in theory we could live migrate only between hosts of same cpu
>> vendor, but not sure interesting enough use case to make cluster and
>> scheduling more complex). though you can do that part on your own with the
>> new pluggable scheduler, or use -cpu host to get max performance if you
>> don't care about live migration
>>  From my point of view it is better to have slower cpu performance and
> possibility to use all of our servers in cluster. I would like to have live
> migration available from intel to amd. The problem is only in cpu
> instruction sets? If so, I can use only common sets.
> Another feature which I forgot is network between VMs and mirroring
> traffic. Both configurable from WUI.
>>> Thank you ;-)
>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>> Users mailing list
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> Users mailing list
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