----- Original Message -----
> Hi all,
> I'm about to migrate from the dreyou 3.2 repo to the official 3.3
> repositories. I was used to take live snapshot with
> qemu-kvm-rhev- which was recompiled from the
> redhat srpms, because live snapshot was not supported by the official
> qemu-kvm in el6.4.
>     * Does now 6.5 include the correct qemu-kvm version for live snapshot?

afaik, Centos uses the same compile options as RHEL which means it will *not* 
include live snapshot capability.
Up until recently dreyou indeed provided qemu-kvm-rhev, but I believe that this 
is no longer compiled.

>     * If not why does redhat provide a separate qemu package for RHEV while
>     fedora has got the correct package?
>     * Does ovirt team provide support for el6 live snapshot "out of the box"
>     or do they recommend to get the correct qemu-kvm version from the rhev
>     repository?

We're still working to find an easy, maintainable way to fill the gap and this 
should be resolved sometime soon.
In the interim you can either compile it yourself or if you have the package 
from other sources, use that.

> Assuming that redhat doesn't provide the same qemu-kvm in rhev than in el6,
> what about including qemu-kvm-rhev in the ovirt el6 repository as dreyou did
> ?

We're looking into including a qemu-kvm package that has the capabilities 
compiled in, in the oVirt el6 repository indeed.
The alternative would be to have it shipped with el6 proper as it was up until 

> Thanks
> --
> Nathanaël Blanchet
> Supervision réseau
> Pôle exploitation et maintenance
> Département des systèmes d'information
> 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
> Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
> Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14 blanc...@abes.fr
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