
On 3/19/2014 10:30 AM, Scott Ocken wrote:

Yes! This is exactly what I was looking for. I think you described it better than I did. This feature would be really nice.


Quoting Ted Miller <>:

I think what the OP is asking for a designation as a "redundant group 1". He may have 10 hosts and 3 VMs in "redundant group 1". He doesn't care which hosts they run on, as long as they are three separate hosts.

I can see this as being fairly widely applicable. If you have multiple web servers for load sharing, you don't want them all running on the same host, because VM load is going to peak on them at the same times. oVirt has no way of knowing that unless you give oVirt a hint to spread things around. The web group might also want to split up the server that spreads the jobs around, and a database server used by all the web hosts. I can see easily ending up with a group of 5 machines (3 web servers, a load sharing controller, and a database server) that you want spread across any 5 of the 15 servers in a cluster, because their loads are all going to spike together. You don't want oVirt having to try to migrate some of them during a load spike, because oVirt noticed that a host with 3 of the 5 is overloaded.

Not my situation, but one I can see the usefulness of.
Ted Miller
Elkhart, IN, USA

On 3/18/2014 11:54 AM, Meital Bourvine wrote:
Hi Scott,

Click on a vm
Show Advanced Options
"Start Running on"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Ocken" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:08:24 PM
Subject: [Users] Force certain VMs to be on different hosts

Is there a way to have certain VMs to be on different hosts? (assuming
there are enough hosts)

IE.  I have a db cluster of 3 VMs.  I would like each one to always be
on different hosts.  That way if a host goes down my db cluster is
still happy while migration happens.  Or if migration fails I am still


Ted Miller
It looks like the Negative Affinity/Anti-Affinity feature that Itamar Hein pointed out in his email, with a feature page at includes what you are trying to do. This is in 3.4, which in the QA process now.

Ted Miller
Elkhart, IN, USA

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