
I'm French, I work for the French administration and this is my first
message on this list...

At the moment, we use VMware (vSphere 5.1/5.5, cloud edition) for our
virtualized complex infrastructures.

I've discovered recently that oVirt offers enhanced features, closed to
the ones of VMware. Is the product sufficiently advanced yet ? I don't
know and I hope you'll be able to help me ;-)

My first question is about hypervisor... In VMware infrastructures, we
use a microkernel since the version 4 (before, it was an hypervisor
based on a RedHat core).

On the oVirt site, I can download ovirt-engine to install it over
Debian/RedHat/CentOS, etc... But it seems to be less optimised because
some ressources are used by the underlying OS...

Can you explain me differences between this technology and the VMware
one ?

Thank you.

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