On 08/07/2014 09:45 AM, David BERCOT wrote:

I'm French, I work for the French administration and this is my first
message on this list...

At the moment, we use VMware (vSphere 5.1/5.5, cloud edition) for our
virtualized complex infrastructures.

I've discovered recently that oVirt offers enhanced features, closed to
the ones of VMware. Is the product sufficiently advanced yet ? I don't
know and I hope you'll be able to help me ;-)
Welcome David,

We find it sufficiently advanced, since 3.5 is nearing release most of our wishlist has been taken care off ;-) Check out the case stories like (http://www.ovirt.org/Brussels_Airport_Case_Study)

My first question is about hypervisor... In VMware infrastructures, we
use a microkernel since the version 4 (before, it was an hypervisor
based on a RedHat core).

On the oVirt site, I can download ovirt-engine to install it over
Debian/RedHat/CentOS, etc... But it seems to be less optimised because
some ressources are used by the underlying OS...
Ovirt engine is the management part (like vCenter), there is no need for it to be that optimized as it's not running VM's itself.
What you're talking about is ovirt node: http://www.ovirt.org/Node
Can you explain me differences between this technology and the VMware
one ?
A bit outdated:


Some more reading:

Virtual data center management with oVirt 3.4

Thank you.


That's my 2c.

Kind regards,

Jorick Astrego
Netbulae B.V.

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