On 17/11/14 04:41, Itamar Heim wrote:
So, a quick non-scientific poll...

Motivation: It has been suggested that adding ubuntu or debian distro support could broaden the reach of the oVirt community. To date, there has been some work towards this goal, but it is not "coming to a conclusion".

Questions that comes to mind:

1) Is this still an issue?
I think that to support other serious distros would highlight the fact that oVirt is distro agnostic. Today oVirt still is "RedHat-centric"
2) Can we afford to dilute the focus we have as it is hard enough to
   stabilize the currently supported distro's? is it worth the
   potential impact?
3) Would it have maintainers catering to it so it won't be left behind
   / delay development?
4) Why bother with host support, ovirt-node can be used?
5) Why bother with engine support, a virtual appliance or a docker
   image could be used?
6) if we do it, should we focus on Ubuntu or Debian distro first?
Debian, of course, it is upstream of Ubuntu and its release criteria compares to Centos or RHEL
7) if we do it, should we focus on host or engine first?
I think that implementing host in Debian/Ubuntu would involve less work and after all, node/host is the core of virtualization infrastructure.


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