Il 17/11/2014 14:22, Sven Kieske ha scritto:
> On 17/11/14 08:41, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> 1) Is this still an issue?
> Yes of course, or is it implemented yet?
>> 2) Can we afford to dilute the focus we have as it is hard enough to
>>    stabilize the currently supported distro's? is it worth the
>>    potential impact?
> In general: Software which supports multiple operating systems/distros
> tends to be more stable, because some bugs just get found on specific
> platforms.
> the general ovirt technology is available "everywhere" (TM): java & python
>> 3) Would it have maintainers catering to it so it won't be left behind
>>    / delay development?
> this is a question for (CC'ed ;) )
>> 4) Why bother with host support, ovirt-node can be used?
> My impression is, that most users don't use ovirt-node, because
> this project has not enough dev power and lacks certain stuff
>> 5) Why bother with engine support, a virtual appliance or a docker
>>    image could be used?
> docker is inherently insecure (a famous red hatter said: it's like
> download random code from the internet and run it as root), so docker
> is no option today, imho.
>> 6) if we do it, should we focus on Ubuntu or Debian distro first?
> well, the general rule of thumb is: if it runs on debian it runs on
> ubuntu. I see way more debian than ubuntu servers, but for modern
> deployments this changes. my personal opinion is, that ubuntu sucks
> as a server os.
>> 7) if we do it, should we focus on host or engine first?
> atm you are focusing host, there are some bugs open for that
> and it's planned for 3.6. (that's what I read at least)
> General note:
> Imho ovirt would greatly benefit from more supported distros.
> Not just debian and ubuntu, but you have to start somewhere.
> you can attract many devs, which just don't use el/fedora.
> furthermore, the basic technology runs on any linux distribution:
> java and python
> so these are "just" integration issues (path to configfiles,
> different init systems, packaging not in rpm, but deb, etc.)
> This is still a huge effort, but I guess canonical and various
> debian developers would maybe join the effort to make ovirt
> work on their platform.

I would really like to see them joining the effort! :-)

> my 2 cent

Sandro Bonazzola
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