On Fri, 6 Mar 2015, Chris Adams wrote:

If the DHCP requests are making it to the server, the next thing to see is if there is any difference in the DHCP options requested between the different ROM images (maybe your DHCP config isn't matching up correctly in some case that works on mine?).

I'd done a bunch of tcpdump-ing (which went unmentioned in my post to the list). The DHCP requests are indeed making it to the server, and the server makes an OFFER, which never makes it back to VM ROM.

To reiterate, however, DHCP clients from working VMs are able to get leases, so the network itself is functioning. The issue is definitely tied to the ROM that's used.

So it might be helpful to look at the DHCP options, but the server is making OFFERs, so I'm not really sure what bits might be suspect.

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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