if the vm is really down, you whould find this helpful

[root@portal dbscripts]# ./unlock_entity.sh -h
Usage: ./unlock_entity.sh [options] [ENTITIES]

    -h            - This help text.
    -v            - Turn on verbosity                         (WARNING:
lots of output)
    -l LOGFILE    - The logfile for capturing output          (def. )
    -s HOST       - The database servername for the database  (def.
    -p PORT       - The database port for the database        (def. 5432)
    -u USER       - The username for the database             (def. engine)
    -d DATABASE   - The database name                         (def. engine)
    -t TYPE       - The object type {vm | template | disk | snapshot}
    -r            - Recursive, unlocks all disks under the selected
    -q            - Query db and display a list of the locked entites.
    ENTITIES      - The list of object names in case of vm/template,
UUIDs in case of a disk

    NOTE: This utility access the database and should have the
          corresponding credentals.

          In case that a password is used to access the database PGPASSWORD
          or PGPASSFILE should be set.

        $ PGPASSWORD=xxxxxx ./unlock_entity.sh -t disk -q

[root@portal dbscripts]# pwd
[root@portal dbscripts]#

Am 25.08.2015 um 07:33 schrieb Michael Wagenknecht:
> Hi all,
> how can I mark a VM as shut down when the status of the VM is "?"?
> There is no qemu-kvm process for this VM on the node.
> But I can't set the node to maintenance mode, because there is a very
> important VM running.
> Best Regards,
> Michael
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