On 01/14/2016 11:24 AM, Bloemen, Jurriën wrote:
> Hi,
> First I created a bonding interface:
> # add nic --parent-host-name server01 --name bond0 --network-name
> VLAN602 --bonding-slaves-host_nic host_nic.name=eno1
> --bonding-slaves-host_nic host_nic.name=eno2
> This works great but no IP is set on VLAN602.
> Then I'm trying to add an ip address to a network with the following
> command:
> # update hostnic --parent-host-name server01 --network-name VLAN602
> --boot_protocol static --ip-address --ip-netmask
> ==============================================================================================================
> ============================================================================================================
> wrong number of arguments, try 'help update' for help.
> ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
> Looking at this document
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6-Beta/html/RHEVM_Shell_Guide/nic.html
> I need to use "nic" instead of "hostnic" but then I don't have the
> options to say this is a --parent-host-name. Only VM related command
> options.
> So I think the documentation is behind.
> Can somebody help me with what the command is to add a IP to a
> VLAN/Network for a host?

The command should be like this:

  # update nic bond0 --parent-host-name server01 --network-name VLAN602
--boot_protocol static --ip-address --ip-netmask

Note that the it is "nic" instead of "hostnic" and that you need to
specify the name of that NIC, in this case "bond0".

The command will work if you type it like that, but auto-completion
won't work. This is a bug in the CLI, indirectly caused by the fact that
the name of the URL segment used in the RESTAPI is "nics" (from
/hosts/{host:id}/*nics*) but the name of the XML schema complex type is

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