On 20-01-16 12:24, Juan Hernández wrote:
> On 01/20/2016 11:31 AM, Bloemen, Jurriën wrote:
>> On 15-01-16 12:20, Juan Hernández wrote:
>>> On 01/14/2016 01:28 PM, Bloemen, Jurriën wrote:
>>>>> On 14-01-16 12:16, Juan Hernández wrote:
>>>>>> On 01/14/2016 11:24 AM, Bloemen, Jurriën wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> First I created a bonding interface:
>>>>>>> # add nic --parent-host-name server01 --name bond0 --network-name
>>>>>>> VLAN602 --bonding-slaves-host_nic host_nic.name=eno1
>>>>>>> --bonding-slaves-host_nic host_nic.name=eno2
>>>>>>> This works great but no IP is set on VLAN602.
>>>>>>> Then I'm trying to add an ip address to a network with the following
>>>>>>> command:
>>>>>>> # update hostnic --parent-host-name server01 --network-name VLAN602
>>>>>>> --boot_protocol static --ip-address --ip-netmask 
>>>>>>> ==============================================================================================================
>>>>>>> ERROR
>>>>>>> ============================================================================================================
>>>>>>> wrong number of arguments, try 'help update' for help.
>>>>>>> ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
>>>>>>> Looking at this document
>>>>>>> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6-Beta/html/RHEVM_Shell_Guide/nic.html
>>>>>>> I need to use "nic" instead of "hostnic" but then I don't have the
>>>>>>> options to say this is a --parent-host-name. Only VM related command
>>>>>>> options.
>>>>>>> So I think the documentation is behind.
>>>>>>> Can somebody help me with what the command is to add a IP to a
>>>>>>> VLAN/Network for a host?
>>>>>> The command should be like this:
>>>>>>     # update nic bond0 --parent-host-name server01 --network-name VLAN602
>>>>>> --boot_protocol static --ip-address --ip-netmask 
>>>>>> Note that the it is "nic" instead of "hostnic" and that you need to
>>>>>> specify the name of that NIC, in this case "bond0".
>>>>>> The command will work if you type it like that, but auto-completion
>>>>>> won't work. This is a bug in the CLI, indirectly caused by the fact that
>>>>>> the name of the URL segment used in the RESTAPI is "nics" (from
>>>>>> /hosts/{host:id}/*nics*) but the name of the XML schema complex type is
>>>>>> "HostNIC".
>>>>> Thanks! That works!
>>>>> Another question:
>>>>> Now I got the message that my network is out-of-sync. How can i force
>>>>> within the ovirt-shell that it syncs the networks?
>>>> hmz.... pressed sent by accident
>>>> What I want to say is:
>>>> Now I got the message that my network is out-of-sync. How can i force
>>>> within the ovirt-shell that it syncs the networks?
>>>> Because when I press "Sync All Networks" the IP address disappears....
>>>> But when I check the box "Sync Network" within the VLAN602 options it
>>>> gets pushed to the host.
>>>> Is there a difference between the both? And how do I run both via
>>>> ovirt-shell?
>>> The "sync network" operation is not supported by ovirt-shell.
>>> If you want to set the network configuration, and make it persistent,
>>> then you will need to use one of the "setupNetworks" operations. These
>>> aren't fully usable with ovirt-shell either, so if you want to use it
>>> you will need to use directly the API or one of the SDKs. For example,
>>> lets assume that you have a host with network interfaces eth0, eth1, and
>>> eth2, and that you want to configure eth1 and eth2 as a bond, to put
>>> your VLAN and IP address on top. You can do that with a script like this:
>>> ---8<---
>>> #!/bin/sh -ex
>>> url="https://engine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api";
>>> user="admin@internal"
>>> password="..."
>>> curl \
>>> --verbose \
>>> --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem \
>>> --user "${user}:${password}" \
>>> --request POST \
>>> --header "Content-Type: application/xml" \
>>> --header "Accept: application/xml" \
>>> --data '
>>> <action>
>>>     <modified_network_attachments>
>>>       <network_attachment>
>>>         <network>
>>>           <name>VLAN602</name>
>>>         </network>
>>>         <host_nic>
>>>           <name>bond0</name>
>>>         </host_nic>
>>>         <ip_address_assignments>
>>>           <assignment_method>static</assignment_method>
>>>           <ip_address_assignment>
>>>             <ip netmask="" address=""/>
>>>           </ip_address_assignment>
>>>         </ip_address_assignments>
>>>       </network_attachment>
>>>     </modified_network_attachments>
>>>     <modified_bonds>
>>>       <host_nic>
>>>         <name>bond0</name>
>>>         <bonding>
>>>           <options>
>>>             <option name="mode" value="4"/>
>>>             <option name="miimon" value="100"/>
>>>           </options>
>>>           <slaves>
>>>             <host_nic>
>>>               <name>eth1</name>
>>>             </host_nic>
>>>             <host_nic>
>>>               <name>eth2</name>
>>>             </host_nic>
>>>           </slaves>
>>>         </bonding>
>>>       </host_nic>
>>>      </modified_bonds>
>>>    </action>
>>> ' \
>>> "${url}/1ff7a191-2f3b-4eff-812b-9f91a30c3acc/setupnetworks"
>>> --->8---
>>> If you prefer to use one of the SDKs, the Python SDK for example, then
>>> it should look like this:
>>> ---8<---
>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>> from ovirtsdk.api import API
>>> from ovirtsdk.xml import params
>>> # Connect to the server:
>>> api = API(
>>>       url="https://engine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api";,
>>>       username="admin@internal",
>>>       password="...",
>>>       ca_file="/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem",
>>>       debug=True
>>> )
>>> # Find the host:
>>> host = api.hosts.get(name="myhost")
>>> # Set up the networks:
>>> host.setupnetworks(
>>>     params.Action(
>>>       modified_bonds=params.HostNics(
>>>         host_nic=[
>>>           params.HostNIC(
>>>             name="bond0",
>>>             bonding=params.Bonding(
>>>               options=params.Options(
>>>                 option=[
>>>                   params.Option(name="mode", value="4"),
>>>                   params.Option(name="miimon", value="100"),
>>>                 ],
>>>               ),
>>>               slaves=params.Slaves(
>>>                 host_nic=[
>>>                   params.HostNIC(name="eth1"),
>>>                   params.HostNIC(name="eth2"),
>>>                 ],
>>>               ),
>>>             ),
>>>           ),
>>>         ],
>>>       ),
>>>       modified_network_attachments=params.NetworkAttachments(
>>>         network_attachment=[
>>>           params.NetworkAttachment(
>>>             network=params.Network(name="VLAN602"),
>>>             host_nic=params.HostNIC(name="bond0"),
>>>             ip_address_assignments=params.IpAddressAssignments(
>>>               ip_address_assignment=[
>>>                 params.IpAddressAssignment(
>>>                   assignment_method="static",
>>>                   ip=params.IP(
>>>                     address="",
>>>                     netmask="",
>>>                   ),
>>>                 ),
>>>               ],
>>>             ),
>>>           ),
>>>         ],
>>>       ),
>>>     ),
>>> )
>>> # Close the connection:
>>> api.disconnect()
>>> ---8<---
>> Hi Juan,
>> The Python SDK sollution gives an error:
>> Unexpected error: 'Host' object has no attribute 'setupnetworks'
>> I'm using oVirt 3.6
> And what version of the Python SDK? Support for "setupnetworks" was
> added in, make sure you have at least that version.
I have ovirt-engine-sdk-python-

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