Dne 26.9.2016 v 13:07 Ondra Machacek napsal(a):
On 09/26/2016 12:48 PM, Jiří Sléžka wrote:
Dne 26.9.2016 v 12:10 Ondra Machacek napsal(a):
On 09/26/2016 11:41 AM, Jiří Sléžka wrote:

I am testing some from scratch deployment so I created a stateless vm
and wrote small python script to shutdown and start the vm again (to
revert vm state to starting point).


problem is that after stopping the vm there is a running operation of
snapshot removal and when script try to start the vm it fails with

Failed to Start VM:

status: 409
reason: Conflict
detail: Cannot run VM. Related operation is currently in progress.
Please try again later.

Is there a cleaner way than checking status and looping or waiting some
time to end of this operation? (desclaimer: I am new to python so
don't hit me :-)

Unfortunatelly, no. You always have to poll the API to check the status
of the operation.

ok, I will

Just for info, we have new Python SDK version 4[1]. Python SDK version
3 will be removed someday in future. So you would have to migrate your
scripts, so maybe better to write it in version 4 now, then rewrite it

thanks for link. Unfortunatelly it looks like there is only
version of ovirt-engine-sdk-python in Fedora24 repo at this time (and
ovirt-engine-sdk-python- in /ovirt-4.0 repo for

It has different name - python-ovirt-engine-sdk4.




And also, if you don't know Python, but you know Ansible, you can use
Ansible VMs module[2].

thanks once more. I am using ansible and I will try ovirt module for
sure (but python is on my todo list as well ;-)

Cheers, Jiri

[1] - https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk/tree/master/sdk
[2] - http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/ovirt_vms_module.html

Cheers, Jiri

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