On 27 October 2016 at 14:58, Sebastian Greco <sgr...@essiprojects.com> wrote:
> Ohh thx for the answer :) That's why the running VMs on that particular
> storage would only run on that host. One can do that in other hypervisors
> like vsphere or hyper-v. It would be a nice thing to have in rhv too imho.

Well, you can partially do this, with the scratch-pad hook, if you
don't care about the local data going away when the VM shuts down.


We've been successfully using this in ovirt CI to keep intermediate
build process I/O out of our central storage.

It seems to me that short-lived non-migrating but stateful VMs are not
very interesting as a use case for RHV customers. When you run you
databases and applications on RHV, it seems to me you typically want
your data to stick around and your VMs to survive a hypervisor crash.
Then again, I do not have any data to substantiate or negate this

Barak Korren
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