Am 08.11.2016 um 11:51 schrieb Simone Tiraboschi:

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Steffen Nolden < <>> wrote:

    Attached the VDSM logs from 'hosted-engine --deploy' to
    'hosted-engine --console'

Everything seams fine here.
Now I read that you are using a nested env: do you removed mac spoof filters on the physical host?

What is it and why is it necessary?
I want to connect from the nested VM to the local engine appliance. And that didnt work.
Physical host --> VM --> NestedVM -x-> engine appliance

    Am 08.11.2016 um 10:43 schrieb Simone Tiraboschi:

    On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Steffen Nolden
    <>> wrote:

        Hello Florian,

        there is no problem to reslove the FQDN

    Can you please attach also VDSM logs fro the relevant time frame?

        [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ nslookup


        The '/etc/hosts' file of each host is configured to resolve
        the name.

        I tried it with stopped firewall,

        [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
        [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo systemctl status firewalld
        ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
           Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service;
        enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
           Active: inactive (dead) since Di 2016-11-08 09:10:46 CET;
        3s ago
          Process: 724 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid
        $FIREWALLD_ARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Main PID: 724 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

        but i got the same error!

        Am 04.11.2016 um 15:50 schrieb Florian Nolden:
        Hello Steffen,

        can your nodes resolve the FQDN "
        <>" to the hosted engine ip ( nslookup <>) ?
        If that works have you tried to disable the firewall

        2016-11-04 14:11 GMT+01:00 Steffen Nolden


            i tried to deploy hosted-engine on a testing
            environment. First of all i tried to deploy with the option

                "Automatically execute engine-setup on the engine
            appliance on first boot (Yes, No)[Yes]? Yes"

            but it got stuck.

            [ INFO  ] Running engine-setup on the appliance
            [ ERROR ] Engine setup got stuck on the appliance
            [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Engine
            setup is stalled on the appliance since 600 seconds ago.
            Please check its log on the appliance.
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
            [ INFO  ] Generating answer file
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
            [ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed: this system
            is not reliable, please check the issue,fix and redeploy
                      Log file is located at

            Next try i said 'No' and i tried to execute it myself.
            But i can't access the engine appliance.

                [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --console
            /usr/share/vdsm/ DeprecationWarning:
            vdscli uses xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is
            deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
                   from vdsm import utils, vdscli, constants
                The engine VM is running on this host
                Verbunden mit der Domain: HostedEngine
                Escape-Zeichen ist ^]
                Fehler: Interner Fehler: Charakter-Einheit console0
            verwendet nicht ein PTY

            Additionally i can't ping or access the engine appliance
            via ssh.

            Did i forget to install a packege or configure something?

            Below my infrastructure and configs. Attached the log file.

            Thanks for help.

            My infrastructure is a nestedVM system:
            All systems have nested visualization activated

            HW with LinuxMint x86_64;
            - VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 24GB Ram; 7 cores;
                - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 12288GB Ram; 4
            cores; Hostname: ( Here
            i deploy hosted-engine, Hostname:
                - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 4096GB Ram; 1
            cores; Hostname: (
                - Nested VM with CentOS-7-x86_64; 4096GB Ram; 1
            cores; Hostname: (

            All three NestedVMs are updated, have installed the
            ovirt-release40.rpm. Additional installed:
            screen (4.1.0), ovirt-hosted-engine-setup (,
            vdsm-gluster (4.18.13), bridge-utils (1.5),
            vdsm (4.18.13), vdsm-cli (4.18.13), glusterfs-server
            (3.7.16), samba.

            First NestedVM additional installed
            ovirt-engine-appliance 4.0-20160928.1.el7.centos

            The three VMs building a glusterfs volume "engine" 3
            replica, with the options...

            Volume Name: engine
            Type: Replicate
            Volume ID: e92849b7-af3b-4ccd-bd0d-69a5ab3b6214
            Status: Started
            Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
            Transport-type: tcp
            Options Reconfigured:
            auth.allow: 192.168.122.*
            storage.owner-gid: 36
            storage.owner-uid: 36
            performance.readdir-ahead: on

            ## Session 1 (hosted-engine deploy without automatically
            execute engine-setup)
            [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --deploy
            DeprecationWarning: vdscli uses xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6
            xmlrpc is deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
              import vdsm.vdscli
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Initializing
            [ INFO  ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
                      During customization use CTRL-D to abort.
                      Continuing will configure this host for
            serving as hypervisor and create a VM where you have to
            install the engine afterwards.
                      Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]:
            [ INFO  ] Hardware supports virtualization
                      Configuration files: []
                      Log file:
                      Version: otopi-1.5.2 (otopi-1.5.2-1.el7.centos)
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment packages setup
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Programs detection
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
            [ INFO  ] Generating libvirt-spice certificates
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment customization

                      --== STORAGE CONFIGURATION ==--

                      Please specify the storage you would like to
            use (glusterfs, iscsi, fc, nfs3, nfs4)[nfs3]: glusterfs
            [ INFO  ] Please note that Replica 3 support is required
            for the shared storage.
                      Please specify the full shared storage
            connection path to use (example: host:/path):
            [ INFO  ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected
            [ INFO  ] Installing on first host
            [ INFO  ] GlusterFS replica 3 Volume detected

                      --== SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ==--

                      --== NETWORK CONFIGURATION ==--

                      iptables was detected on your computer, do you
            wish setup to configure it? (Yes, No)[Yes]: No
                      Please indicate a pingable gateway IP address
                      Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge
            on: (eth0) [eth0]:

                      --== VM CONFIGURATION ==--

                      Booting from cdrom on RHEL7 is ISO image based
            only, as cdrom passthrough is disabled (BZ760885)
                      Please specify the device to boot the VM from
            (choose disk for the oVirt engine appliance)
                      (cdrom, disk, pxe) [disk]:
                      Please specify the console type you would like
            to use to connect to the VM (vnc, spice) [vnc]:
            [ INFO  ] Detecting available oVirt engine appliances
                      The following appliance have been found on
            your system:
                          [1] - The oVirt Engine Appliance image
            (OVA) - 4.0-20160928.1.el7.centos
                          [2] - Directly select an OVA file
                      Please select an appliance (1, 2) [1]:
            [ INFO  ] Verifying its sha1sum
            [ INFO  ] Checking OVF archive content (could take a few
            minutes depending on archive size)
            [ INFO  ] Checking OVF XML content (could take a few
            minutes depending on archive size)
            [WARNING] OVF does not contain a valid image
            description, using default.
                      Would you like to use cloud-init to customize
            the appliance on the first boot (Yes, No)[Yes]?
                      Would you like to generate on-fly a cloud-init
            ISO image (of no-cloud type)
                      or do you have an existing one (Generate,
                      Please provide the FQDN you would like to use
            for the engine appliance.
                      Note: This will be the FQDN of the engine VM
            you are now going to launch,
                      it should not point to the base host or to any
            other existing machine.
                      Engine VM FQDN: (leave it empty to skip): []:
                      Automatically execute engine-setup on the
            engine appliance on first boot (Yes, No)[Yes]? No
                      Please provide the domain name you would like
            to use for the engine appliance.
                      Engine VM domain: [com]
                      Enter root password that will be used for the
            engine appliance (leave it empty to skip):
                      Confirm appliance root password:
                      The following CPU types are supported by this
                           - model_SandyBridge: Intel SandyBridge Family
                           - model_Westmere: Intel Westmere Family
                           - model_Nehalem: Intel Nehalem Family
                           - model_Penryn: Intel Penryn Family
                           - model_Conroe: Intel Conroe Family
                      Please specify the CPU type to be used by the
            VM [model_SandyBridge]:
                      Please specify the number of virtual CPUs for
            the VM (Defaults to appliance OVF value): [4]: 3
            [WARNING] Minimum requirements for disk size not met
                      You may specify a unicast MAC address for the
            VM or accept a randomly generated default
                      Please specify the memory size of the VM in MB
            (Defaults to maximum available): [10880]: 8144
                      How should the engine VM network be configured
            (DHCP, Static)[DHCP]? Static
                      Please enter the IP address to be used for the
            engine VM []:
            [ INFO  ] The engine VM will be configured to use
                      Please provide a comma-separated list (max 3)
            of IP addresses of domain name servers for the engine VM
                      Engine VM DNS (leave it empty to skip)
                      Add lines for the appliance itself and for
            this host to /etc/hosts on the engine VM?
                      Note: ensuring that this host could resolve
            the engine VM hostname is still up to you
                      (Yes, No)[No] Yes

                      --== HOSTED ENGINE CONFIGURATION ==--

                      Enter engine admin password:
                      Confirm engine admin password:
                      Enter the name which will be used to identify
            this host inside the Administrator Portal [hosted_engine_1]:
                      Please provide the name of the SMTP server
            through which we will send notifications [localhost]:
                      Please provide the TCP port number of the SMTP
            server [25]:
                      Please provide the email address from which
            notifications will be sent [root@localhost]:
                      Please provide a comma-separated list of email
            addresses which will get notifications [root@localhost]:
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Setup validation

                      --== CONFIGURATION PREVIEW ==--

                      Bridge interface                  : eth0
                      Engine FQDN                 :
                      Bridge name                 : ovirtmgmt
                      Host address                  : oVirtNode01
                      SSH daemon port                 : 22
                      Gateway address                 :
                      Host name for web application      :
                      Storage Domain type                : glusterfs
                      Host ID                 : 1
                      Image size GB                 : 10
                      Storage connection                 :
                      Console type                  : vnc
                      Memory size MB                  : 8144
                      MAC address                 : 00:16:3e:2a:82:17
                      Boot type                 : disk
                      Number of CPUs                  : 3
                      OVF archive (for disk boot)        :
                      Appliance version                 :
                      CPU Type                  : model_SandyBridge

                      Please confirm installation settings (Yes,
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Transaction setup
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Closing up
                      The following network ports should be opened:
                      An example of the required configuration for
            iptables can be found at:
                      In order to configure firewalld, copy the
            files from
            /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/firewalld to
                      and execute the following commands:
                          firewall-cmd -service hosted-cockpit
                          firewall-cmd -service hosted-console
            [ INFO  ] Creating VM
                      You can now connect to the VM with the
            following command:
                          hosted-engine --console
                      You can also graphically connect to the VM
            from your system with the following command:
                          remote-viewer vnc://oVirtNode01:5900
                      Use temporary password "2263CpET" to connect
            to vnc console.
                      Please ensure that your Guest OS is properly
            configured to support serial console according to your
            distro documentation.
            for more info.
                      If you need to reboot the VM you will need to
            start it manually using the command:
                      hosted-engine --vm-start
                      You can then set a temporary password using
            the command:
                      hosted-engine --add-console-password
                      Please install and setup the engine in the VM.
                      You may also be interested in installing
            ovirt-guest-agent-common package in the VM.

                      The VM has been rebooted.
                      To continue please install oVirt-Engine in the VM
            <> for more info).

                      Make a selection from the options below:
                      (1) Continue setup - oVirt-Engine installation
            is ready and ovirt-engine service is up
                      (2) Abort setup
                      (3) Power off and restart the VM
                      (4) Destroy VM and abort setup

                      (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]:
            ## Session 2
            [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ sudo hosted-engine --console
            /usr/share/vdsm/ DeprecationWarning:
            vdscli uses xmlrpc. since ovirt 3.6 xmlrpc is
            deprecated, please use vdsm.jsonrpcvdscli
              from vdsm import utils, vdscli, constants
            The engine VM is running on this host
            Verbunden mit der Domain: HostedEngine
            Escape-Zeichen ist ^]
            Fehler: Interner Fehler: Charakter-Einheit console0
            verwendet nicht ein PTY
            [nolden@oVirtNode01 ~]$ ssh
            ssh: connect to host
            <> port 22: No route to host

            ## Back to session 1
                      (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]: 1

                      Checking for oVirt-Engine status at
            [ INFO  ] Engine is still unreachable
                      oVirt-Engine health status page is not yet

                      The VM has been rebooted.
                      To continue please install oVirt-Engine in the VM
            <> for more info).

                      Make a selection from the options below:
                      (1) Continue setup - oVirt-Engine installation
            is ready and ovirt-engine service is up
                      (2) Abort setup
                      (3) Power off and restart the VM
                      (4) Destroy VM and abort setup

                      (1, 2, 3, 4)[1]: 2
            [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Setup
            aborted by user
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
            [ INFO  ] Generating answer file
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
            [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
            [ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed: this system
            is not reliable, please check the issue,fix and redeploy
                      Log file is located at

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