Would you also explain about my 2nd question ?

let say hostB mounted glusterFS partition by using backup vol (e.g. hostB)
and after some time Host A come online, will GlusterFS client (mount)
automatically switch to Host A ?


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:43 AM, knarra <> wrote:

> Hi,
>     backup-volfile-servers is mainly used to avoid SPOF. For example take
> a scenario where you have Host A and Host B and when you try to mount a
> glusterfs volume using Host A with backup-volfile-servers specified, if
> Host A is not accessible, mount will happen with Host B which is specified
> in backup-volfile-server. backup-volfile-servers are mainly used to fetch
> the volfile from gluster and  has nothing to do with data sync.
>     data syncing comes as part of replicate feature in glusterfs where say
> for example, you have two Hosts Host A and Host B with replica volume
> configured, if Host A goes down for sometime, all the writes happens on
> Host B and when Host A comes up data gets synced to HostA.
> Hope this helps !!!!
> Thanks
> kasturi
> On 05/17/2017 11:31 PM, TranceWorldLogic . wrote:
> Hi,
> Before trying out, I want to understand how glusterfs will react for below
> scenario.
> Please help me.
> Let consider I have two host hostA and hostB
> I have setup replica volume on hostA and hostB. (consider as storage
> domain for DATA in ovirt).
> I have configure data domain mount command with backup server option
> (backup-volfile-server) as hostB (I mean main server as hostA and backup as
> hostB)
> 1> As I understood, VDSM execute mount command on both hostA and
> hostB.(for creating data domain)
> 2> That mean, HostB glusterFS CLIENT will communicate with main server
> (hostA).
> (Please correct me if I am wrong here.)
> 3> Let say HostA got down (say shutdown, power off scenario)
> 4> Due to backup option I will have data domain available on HostB.
> (Now glusterFS CLIENT on HostB will start communicating with HostB
> GlusterFS SERVER).
> 5> Now let say HostA comes up.
> 6> Will it sync all data from HostB to HostA glusterFS server ?
> (as per doc, yes, i not tried yet, want to confirm my understanding)
> 7> Will glusterFS CLIENT on HostB start communicate with main server
> (HostA) ?
> Please let me know, I am new to glusterFS.
> Thanks,
> ~Rohit
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