
We want to install ovirt for every school in Guadeloupe (~70 schools)

Each school has an internet connexion with a basic physical router (no vpn).

We have bought one physical server for each school.

We have installed an ovirt engine on our central site where we want to manage all the node which are in the school.

In first, for the tests in laboratory, I have installed a node behind a routeur. The routeur forwarded all the traffic from the ovirt engine to the ovirmgmt ip address (NAT).

It works but I cannot have access to the VM consoles : my Spice client try to access directly to the node private IP address. Is there a solution to resolv this ? In ovirt documentation, I read "Spice Proxy" and  "Websocket Proxy".  Could these features answer to this problematic ?

In the ovirt engine, is it possible to provide a NAT address to the node ? then the VM consoles coud work.

So, I give up the above architecture and move my ovirtmgmt ip address behind a VM routeur which has a tunneling IPSec to our central site. The access to the VM consoles is resolved but I discover that the VM does not start automaticaly whithout the engine (like vmware does).

I hope you understand my problematic.


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