
I have read several pessimistic posts of you, each time to be against the decisions of the ovirt community that you disagree. In general, my thoughts are that you want the community to be responsible for the Redhat descisions.

Like you I find RHV end of support very sad, but I unlike you I believe oVirt is so an incredible software, and also an example of opensource success project that, I do believe, will survive thanks to awesome people who have been contributing it for 10 years. Other downstream projects like OLVM decided to switch from Xen to KVM.

I've been working with ovirt since the very beginning in a large production success. Every people in my IT team are convinced that oVit makes our IT very stable and flexible (more than 300 VMs), and we convinced some partner to adopt it as well. My pain is that the oVirt project is underrated in comparison of the quality of the code, but you and I are actors of its popularity. I initially was not a developer, but thanks to oVirt, I'm now able to write complex playbooks for automatic deployments, as well I'm able now to debug python code. What I mean is that the project depends on the community members contribution, each one with his own capacity. For my own, I can help many beginners on the mailing list with simple tips as well as some others can translate into other languages.

Yes, I am aware of competitors projects like proxmox, xen and now XCP-NG. There is no perfect project. Everybody should be involved into a project that corresponds to its expectations.

In reality, I wonder about the goal of your posts, it seems that nothing goes into the good direction from your point of view... Did you contribute to change that? Did you pay anything to be so demanding?

Thank you to all community for providing such a wonderful software, and a specific mention to community leaders (Sandro?) and other contributors, we need positive attitudes.

If some beginners read my post, I want to tell them they are welcome, and they can be sure to find some quality into code, into updates, into innovation, into entreprise features, into mailing list support, and they are welcome to contribute to make virtualization greater and greater!

Le 14/02/2022 à 20:28, Thomas Hoberg a écrit :
Comments & motivational stuff were moved to the end...

Xen the hypervisor is moved to the Linux foundation. Perpetual open source, 
free to use.
Xcp-ng is a distribution of Xen, produced by a small French company based on 
Xen using (currently) a Linux 4.19 LTS kernel and an EL7 frozen userland from 
July 2020: they promise open source and free to use forever

Mode of operation:
You install Xcp-ng on your (bare metal) hardware. You manage nodes via 
XenOrchestrator, which is a big Node.js application you can run in pretty much 
any way you want.

Business model:
You can buy support for Xcp-ng at different levels of quality.
XenOrchestrator as AN APPLIANCE exposes different levels of functionality 
depending on the level of support you buy.
But you get the full source code of the appliance and can compile it yourself 
to support the full set of qualities.
There is a script out there, which allows you to auto-generate the appliance 
with a single command.
In short you are never forced to pay, but better help can be purchased.

How does it feel to a CentOS/RHEL user?
The userland on the nodes is EL7, but you shouldn't touch that.
CLI is classic Xen, nothing like KVM or oVirt.
I guess libVirt and virsh should be similar, if they live up to their promise 
at all.
Standard user-land on Orchestrator appliance is Debian, but you can build it on 
pretty much any Linux with that script: all interaction is meant to be done via 

There is an image/ISO much like the oVirt node image. Based on a Linux 4.19 LTS 
kernel and an EL7 frozen userland from July 2020 and a freshly maintained Xen 
with tools.
Installation on bare metal or VMs (e.g. for nested experimentation) is a snap, 
HCL isn't extraordinary. I'm still fighting to get the 2.5/5GBit USB3 NIC 
working that I like using for my smallest test systems.

A single command on one node will download the "free"-Orchestrator appliance 
(aka Xoa) and install it as a VM on that node. It's installed as auto-launch and just 
point your brower to its IP to start with the GUI.

There is various other ways to build or run the GUI, which can be run on 
anything remotely Linux, within the nodes or outside: more on this in the next 

The management appliance (Xoa) will run with only 2GB of RAM and 10GB of disk 
for a couple of hosts. You grow to dozens of hosts, give a little more RAM and 
it will be fine. Compare to the oVirt management engine it's very, very light 
seems to have vastly less parts that can break.

And if it does, that doesn't matter, because it is pretty much stateless. E.g. 
pool membership and configuratoin is on the nodes, so if you connect from 
another Xoa they will just carry over. Ditto storage, that configuration which 
oVirt keeps in the management engines Postgres database, is on the nodes in Xcp 
and can be changed by any connected Xoa.

Xen nodes are much more autonomous then oVirt hosts. The use whatever storage they might 
have locally, or attached via SAN/NAS/Gluster[!!!] and others.They will operate without a 
management engine much like "single node HCI oVirt" or they can be joined into 
a pool, which opens up live migration and HA. A pool is created by telling a node that 
it's the master now and then adding other nodes to join in. The master can be changed and 
nodes can be moved to other pools. Adding and removing nodes to a pool is very quick and 
easy and it's the same for additional storage repositories: Any shared storage added to 
any node is immediately visible to the pool and disks can be flipped between local and 
shared storage very easily (I haven't tried live disk moves, but they could work).

Having nodes in a pool qualfies them for live migration (CPU architecture 
caveats apply). If storage is local, it will move with the VM, if storage is 
shared, only RAM will move.

You can also move VMs not sharing a pool and even across different x86 variants (e.g. AMD and 
Intel), when VMs are down. If you've ever daddled with "Export domains" or "Backup 
domains" in oVirt, you just can't believe how quick and easy these things are in Xcp-ng. VMs 
and their disks can be moved, copied, cloned, backed-up and restore with a minimum of fuzz 
including continuous backups on running machines.

You can label machines as "HA" so they'll always be restarted elsewhere, should 
a host go down. You can define policies for how to balance workloads across hosts and 
ensure that HA pairs won't share a host, pretty similar to oVirt.

The "free" Xoa has plenty of "upgrade!" buttons all over the place. So I went 
ahead and build an appliance from source, that doesn't have these restrictions, just to see what 
that would get me.

With this script here: https://github.com/ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater 
you can build the Xoa on any machine/VM you happen to be running with one of 
the many supported Linux variants.

I build one variant to run as a VM on Xcp-ng and I used another to run on an 
external machine: All three Xoas don't step on each others toes more than you 
make them: very, very cool!

The built-in hypervisor interfaces and VIO drivers of almost any modern 64-Bit 
Linux make VMs very easy. For Windows guests there are drivers available, which 
make things as easy as with KVM. Unfortunately they don't seem to be exactly 
the same, so you may do better to remove guest drivers on machines you want to 
move. BTW good luck on trying to import OVAs exported from oVirt: Those contain 
tags, no other hypervisor wants to accept, sometimes not even oVirt itself. 
Articles on the forum suggest running CloneZilla at both ends for a 
strorage-less migration of VMs.

I have not yet tested nested virtualization inside Xcp-ng (Xcp-ng works quite 
well in a nested environment), nor have I done tests with pass-through devices 
and GPUs. All of that is officially supported, with the typical caveats in case 
of older Nvidia drivers.

So far every operation was quick and every button did what I expected it to do. 
When things failed, I didn't have to go through endless log files to find out 
what was wrong: the error messages were helpful enough to find the issues so 

I haven't done extensive failure testing yet, except one: I've been running four host 
nodes as VMs on VMware workstation, with XCP-ng VMs being nested inside. At one point I 
managed to run out of storage and I had to shut down all "bare metal VMs" hard. 
Everything came back clean, only the migration project that had tripped the storage 
failure had to be restarted, after I created some space.

There is no VDO support in the kernel provided. It should be easy enough to add 
given the sources and build scripts. But the benefit and the future of VDO are 
increasingly debated.

The VMs use the VDI disk format, which is less powerful/flexible as CQOW with 
regards to thin allocation and trimming. It's on the roadmap, not yet in the 

Hyperconverged Storage:
Xcp-ng so far doesn't come with a hyperconvered storage solution built in. Like 
so many clusters it moves the responsability to your storage layer (could be 

They are in the process of making LINSTOR a directly supported HCI option, even with such 
features as dispersed (erasure-coded) volumes to manage the write 
amplification/resilience as the node numbers increase beyond three. That's not ready 
today and they seem to take their sweet time about it. They label it "XOASAN" 
and want to make that a paid option. But again, the full source code is there and in the 
self-compiled Xoa appliance you should be able to use it for free.

The current beta release only supports replicated mode and only up to four 
nodes. But it seems to work reliably. Write amplification is 4x, so bandwidth 
drops to 25% and is limited to the network speed, but reads will go to the 
local node at storage hardware bandwidths.

The 2, 3 and 4 node replicated setup works today with the scripts they provide. 
That's not quite as efficient as the 2R+1A setup in oVirt, but seems rock solid 
and just works, which was never that easy in oVirt.

Hyperconverged is very attractive at 3 nodes, because good fault resilience 
can't be done any cheaper. But the industry agrees that it tends to lose 
financial attraction when you grow to dozens of machines and nobody in is right 
mind would operate a real cloud using HCI. But going from 3 to say two dozen 
should be doable and easy: it never was for oVirt.

XCP-ng or rather LINSTOR won't support any number or storage nodes or easy 
linear increases like Gluster could (in theory).
So far it's only much, much better at getting things going.

Forum and community:
The documentation is rather good, but can be lighter on things which are "native 
Xen", as that would repeat a lot of the effort already expended by Citrix. It's good 
that I've been around the block a couple of times already since VM/370, but there are 
holes or missing details when you need to ask questions.

The community isn't giant, but comfortably big enough. The forum's user 
interface is vastly better than this one, but then I've never seen something as 
slow as ovirt.org for a long time.

Technical questions are answered extremely quickly and mostly by the staff from 
the small French company themselves. But mostly it's much easier to find 
answers to questions already asked, which is the most typical case.

The general impression is that there are much fewer moving parts and things 
things that can go wrong. There is no Ansible, not a single daemon on the 
nodes, a management engine that seems very light and with minimal state that 
doesn't need a DBA to hold and manage it. The Xen hypervisor seems much smarter 
than KVM on its own and the Xoa has both a rich API to do things, but also 
offers an API to next-level management.

It may have less overall features than oVirt, but I haven't found anything that 
I really missed. It's much easier and quicker to install and operate with 
nothing but GUI which is a godsent: I want to use the farm, not spend my time 
managing it.

Motivational rant originally at the top... tl;dr

My original priorities for chosing oVirt were:
1. CentOS as RHEL downstream -> stable platform, full vendor vulnerability 
management included, big benefit in compliance
2. Integrated HCI -> Just slap a couple (3/6/9) of leftover servers together 
for something fault resilient, no other components required, quick start out of 
the box solution with a few clicks in a GUI
3. Fully open source (& logs), can always read the source to understand what's 
going on, better than your typical support engineer
4. No support or license contract, unless you want/need it, but the ability to 
switch that on when it paid for itself

The more famous competitors, vSphere and Nutanix didn't offer any of that.

(Citrix) Xen I excluded, because a) Xen seemd "old school+niche" compared to KVM b) Citrix reduced 
"free" to "useless"

I fell in love with Gluster from its design: it felt like a really smart 
I fell out with Gluster from its operation and performance: I can't count how many times 
I had to restart daemons and issue "gluster heal" commands to resettle things 
after little more than a node update.

I rediscovered Xcp-ng when I discovered that HCI and RHV had ben EOLd.
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