On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 2:45 PM Guillaume Pavese
<guillaume.pav...@interactiv-group.com> wrote:
> Hello
> We are receiving the following notifications from our ovirt manager  :
> Message:Engine's certification is about to expire at 2022-05-03. Please renew 
> the engine's certification.
> Severity:WARNING
> Effectively :
> # openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/engine.cer -startdate -enddate 
> -noout
> notBefore=Mar 30 04:48:15 2021 GMT
> notAfter=May  3 04:48:15 2022 GMT
> However I can not find any documentation on how to renew this certificate.
> The following doc only convers changing apache-ca.pem & apache.cer, and not 
> engine.cer
> Doc oVirt : 
> https://ovirt.org/documentation/administration_guide/index.html#Replacing_the_Manager_CA_Certificate
> Doc RHV : 
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_virtualization/4.4/html-single/administration_guide/index#Replacing_the_Manager_CA_Certificate
> Any help ?

Please try running 'engine-setup'. If you want to prevent it from
upgrading the engine, you can try 'engine-setup --offline'.

You might want to create a github issue about the documentation
missing this information. If you do, please clarify where you expected
it to appear and what you searched for when looking for it.
Alternatively, patches are welcome :-), the oVirt documentation is
managed in a github repo, with a link in each page "Edit this page".

Good luck and best regards,
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