Gluster virt volume group has 2 options needed for 
oVirt:storage.owner-uid=36storage.owner-gid=36Check you have them, as it seems 
that the virt group (from GlusterFS package) is now missing them. /Maybe a bug 

I would simply chown the file(s) to 36:36 from the gluster mount and try again.
You can run a find to fix it and give it another try.find   
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/<host>_<VOLUME> -not -uid 36 -not -god 36 -exec 
chown 36:36 {} \;
Or to be even more safe, you can also set all files in the brick to be 
accessible to the user/group 36.
find /gluster_bricks/<VOLUME>/<VOLUME> -not -uid 36 -not -gid 36  -exec setfacl 
-m g:36:rwx {} \;

find /gluster_bricks/<VOLUME>/<VOLUME> -not -uid 36 -not -gid 36 -exec setfacl 
-m u:36:rwx {} \;
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
  On Fri, May 6, 2022 at 0:47, Abe E<> wrote:   Due to some 
complications in my 4.4 to 4.5 upgrade that have taken down ovirt for a few 
days I must go back to 4.4 to salvage what I can and rethink how I will upgrade.
Due to that im having to rebuild my engine although I took backups prior.

My issue currently is with 4.4 the engine deployment has an error regarding 
mirrors so I was able to use the ansible script to deploy offline and I am at 
the activate storage domain portion where it fails
I am setting it to glusterfs with the host:/path as

The host machine i am building the engine on has a mount:                              104804356  13827696  
90976660  14% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/

within the mapping :
drwxr-xr-x. 2 vdsm kvm  6 Apr  5 22:15
drwxr-xr-x. 4 vdsm kvm 38 May  5 15:00

I am able to get into the temp engines ssh and ping the domain although I 
cannot seem to find where my steps are incorrect.

[ INFO  ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Activate storage domain]
[ ERROR ] ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is 
"[]". HTTP response code is 400.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Fault 
reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[]\". HTTP response code is 
          Please specify the storage you would like to use (glusterfs, iscsi, 
fc, nfs)[nfs]:

VDSM Logs are showing:
2022-05-05 15:30:32,719-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/6) [storage.StorageDomain] 
sdUUID=7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c (fileSD:535)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,734-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/6) [vdsm.api] FINISH 
getStorageDomainInfo error=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely 
inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) 
from=::ffff:,53112, flow_id=661d6831, 
task_id=480acb07-0a53-4bad-aa30-4cd18ce9e5f2 (api:52)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,734-0600 ERROR (jsonrpc/6) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='480acb07-0a53-4bad-aa30-4cd18ce9e5f2') Unexpected error (task:877)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 884, in 
    return fn(*args, **kargs)
  File "<decorator-gen-131>", line 2, in getStorageDomainInfo
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/common/", line 50, in method
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 2717, in 
    dom = self.validateSdUUID(sdUUID)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 313, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 538, in 
    raise se.StorageDomainAccessError(self.sdUUID) Domain is either partially 
accessible or entirely inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,734-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/6) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='480acb07-0a53-4bad-aa30-4cd18ce9e5f2') aborting: Task is aborted: 
"value=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely inaccessible: 
('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) abortedcode=379" (task:1182)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,735-0600 ERROR (jsonrpc/6) [storage.Dispatcher] FINISH 
getStorageDomainInfo error=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely 
inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) (dispatcher:83)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,735-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/6) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer] RPC call 
StorageDomain.getInfo failed (error 379) in 0.02 seconds (__init__:312)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,743-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [vdsm.api] START 
poolName='LabNet', masterDom='7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c', 
domList=['7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c'], masterVersion=13, 
lockRenewalIntervalSec=5, leaseTimeSec=60, ioOpTimeoutSec=10, leaseRetries=3) 
from=::ffff:,53112, flow_id=661d6831, 
task_id=b58a0503-98c3-41a9-b5d7-3330e2985133 (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,743-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.StoragePool] updating 
pool fd385045-8355-4ef8-9970-ade84698ad89 backend from type NoneType instance 
0x7f767080b9d0 to type StoragePoolDiskBackend instance 0x7f760c4dd308 (sp:168)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,743-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.StoragePool] 
spUUID=fd385045-8355-4ef8-9970-ade84698ad89 poolName=LabNet 
domList=['7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c'] masterVersion=13 
'IOOPTIMEOUTSEC': 10} (sp:624)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,743-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.StorageDomain] 
sdUUID=7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c (fileSD:535)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 ERROR (jsonrpc/0) [storage.StoragePool] Unexpected 
error (sp:640)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 635, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 538, in 
    raise se.StorageDomainAccessError(self.sdUUID) Domain is either partially 
accessible or entirely inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [vdsm.api] FINISH 
createStoragePool error=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely 
inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) 
from=::ffff:,53112, flow_id=661d6831, 
task_id=b58a0503-98c3-41a9-b5d7-3330e2985133 (api:52)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 ERROR (jsonrpc/0) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='b58a0503-98c3-41a9-b5d7-3330e2985133') Unexpected error (task:877)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 635, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 538, in 
    raise se.StorageDomainAccessError(self.sdUUID) Domain is either partially 
accessible or entirely inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 884, in 
    return fn(*args, **kargs)
  File "<decorator-gen-31>", line 2, in createStoragePool
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/common/", line 50, in method
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 1006, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/storage/", line 641, in 
    raise se.StorageDomainAccessError(sdUUID) Domain is either partially 
accessible or entirely inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='b58a0503-98c3-41a9-b5d7-3330e2985133') aborting: Task is aborted: 
"value=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely inaccessible: 
('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) abortedcode=379" (task:1182)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 ERROR (jsonrpc/0) [storage.Dispatcher] FINISH 
createStoragePool error=Domain is either partially accessible or entirely 
inaccessible: ('7f7cf7a4-f8fa-41a4-8e6a-275230655a8c',) (dispatcher:83)
2022-05-05 15:30:32,759-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer] RPC call 
StoragePool.create failed (error 379) in 0.02 seconds (__init__:312)
2022-05-05 15:30:34,709-0600 INFO  (periodic/0) [vdsm.api] START 
repoStats(domains=()) from=internal, 
task_id=1b759c4f-ab60-4f3a-8ede-2606f916bf4a (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:34,710-0600 INFO  (periodic/0) [vdsm.api] FINISH repoStats 
return={} from=internal, task_id=1b759c4f-ab60-4f3a-8ede-2606f916bf4a (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,324-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [] START getStats() 
from=::ffff:,53112 (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,344-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] START 
repoStats(domains=()) from=::ffff:,53112, 
task_id=3b40703b-83dc-4aff-ae92-41158e5ffefc (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,344-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] FINISH repoStats 
return={} from=::ffff:,53112, 
task_id=3b40703b-83dc-4aff-ae92-41158e5ffefc (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,344-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] START 
multipath_health() from=::ffff:,53112, 
task_id=00953608-b566-4d3d-be62-f20ea77ff7d9 (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,344-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] FINISH 
multipath_health return={} from=::ffff:,53112, 
task_id=00953608-b566-4d3d-be62-f20ea77ff7d9 (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,348-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [] FINISH getStats 
return={'status': {'code': 0, 'message': 'Done'}, 'info': (suppressed)} 
from=::ffff:,53112 (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,889-0600 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] START 
getConnectedStoragePoolsList() from=internal, 
task_id=a5db87b7-5130-49da-a5c4-5622dbe9d74b (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,889-0600 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] FINISH 
getConnectedStoragePoolsList return={'poollist': []} from=internal, 
task_id=a5db87b7-5130-49da-a5c4-5622dbe9d74b (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:36,889-0600 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vds] recovery: waiting for 
storage pool to go up (clientIF:735)
2022-05-05 15:30:37,444-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/2) [] START getAllVmStats() 
from=::1,33062 (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:37,446-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/2) [] FINISH getAllVmStats 
return={'status': {'code': 0, 'message': 'Done'}, 'statsList': (suppressed)} 
from=::1,33062 (api:54)
2022-05-05 15:30:37,451-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [] START 
getAllVmIoTunePolicies() from=::1,33062 (api:48)
2022-05-05 15:30:37,452-0600 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [] FINISH 
getAllVmIoTunePolicies return={'status': {'code': 0, 'message': 'Done'}, 
'io_tune_policies_dict': {'da57699e-e76a-4125-81ce-50821bb09eef': {'policy': 
[], 'current_values': []}}} from=::1,33062 (api:54)
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