Adam Chase wrote:
So I'm trying this approach...

I'm manually accepting the messages.  And I have COMPLETE_ON_ACCEPT.
It seems like the queue is able to be deleted even with the if_empty
flag sent when my listener has the last message but I haven't accepted
it yet.  Not sure if that's a bug or not.  If I check the unaccepted
set before trying the delete I think there's a race.

Can you not have an EOS signal message of some sort that allows the publisher to signal the consumer that the work for that group is done and the queue can be deleted?

Could manually
acquiring messages help here?  What if I synchronize my
listener::receive method with my delete?

Also about flowControl:

If I set my SubscriptionManager settings to have a window of 1 message
credit and then a subscribe a bunch of queues to the same listener, is
there 1 message credit per subscription or 1 for the whole set?

Per subscription.

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