2009/9/9 PacaMike <mrodrig...@ballytech.com>:

> do you think is better to do it in C++ ( based on the QPid C++ Windows API
> client) or in C# Dot Net Compact Framework[2.0 | 3.5] (based on the QPid C#
> Dot Net s API client ) ?

I think it's fair to say that the managed code .NET client is very
immature (to put it politely) and is really only for the brave.

I know that CE supports only a subset of WCF but I am not familiar
with all the details so I am not sure whether the new WCF client
(which is built on the C++ client) would work on that platform.

Perhaps someone from Microsoft, who developed the WCF client, could
comment on CE support?


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